Design and validation of a state-controller

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM132701198

20WSC341 Digital and State Space control - Loughborough University

Observer-Based Control of an Inverted Pendulum

Assignment Particulars

The task for the assignment is to design and test an Observer-based, multi-objective controller for an inverted (‘Furuta') pendulum.
The assessment will be in the form of a 10-page technical report. This limit does not include cover sheet, contents pages, references, etc. Appendices are accepted, but only where appropriate supporting information is necessary. All directly referred to figures and key results should, as standard, appear in the main body. The report should demonstrate the observer-based control solution, and include supporting evidence/discussion to assure that the results and design is appropriate. The font size should be a minimum 10pt and line spacing at a minimum of 1.15. Margins must be a minimum of 2 cm, excluding headers and footers.
Document MUST be submitted as pdf versions by the deadline.

The document should include details for the following steps:
• Development and validation of a linear ‘design' model for the pendulum
• Design and validation of a state-controller to follow a ‘square wave' angle demand for the motor arm
• Design and validation of an Observer to estimate all states when only position outputs are available
• Design and validation of an Observer-based controller, to implement a full state control when only position states are available for measurement

A summary of your design work, including items such as: calculations, figures, graphs, copies of key MATLAB commands and Simulink diagrams should be included in your report.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this coursework, you will be able to:
• Develop and test linear State Space system models of non-linear systems in MATLAB/Simulink
• Validate linear system models using time-based methods
• Implement a state control scheme using an LQR design or other design method
• Understand the complete process required to develop and implement a state-feedback controller
• Implement a Luenberger observer to estimate system states

Supporting Information - Modelling and Validation
Modelling the pendulum (Gantry Mode)
As the inverted pendulum system is unstable in the open-loop, it is useful to first model the system as a normal pendulum (also called ‘crane' or ‘gantry' mode) in order to check fundamental parameters values. It is also useful to ignore the DC motor dynamic properties and consider the input of the system to be a torque applied to the driveshaft of the motor. The DC electrical properties (and embedded torque controller) have fast enough bandwidths to be considered unit gain systems.

Supporting Information 2: Controller Design and Test

Inverted Pendulum Model
The crane model generated must be changed to an inverted pendulum model. This is done simply by changing the sign of element ????43 as shown in equation (4).

Attachment:- Coursework Info sheet - Inverted Pendulum.rar

Reference no: EM132701198

Questions Cloud

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Design and validation of a state-controller : Observer-Based Control of an Inverted Pendulum - Develop and test linear State Space system models of non-linear systems in MATLAB/Simulink
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What ways do see the themes of debt : In what ways do you see the themes of debt, discipline and dispossession appear in the film in a global context? Give concrete examples of the film
Five key economic factors that impact organisations : Discuss any five Key economic factors that impact organisations.
Describe the financial conflicts of interest : Describe the financial conflicts of interest that occurred in this scenario from the perspective of the Institute of Supply Management code of ethics.


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