Design and undertake statistical analyses

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Reference no: EM133555411

Developing Market Intelligence Skills for Decision Making


Task description - Individual assignment

This assessment requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the role of mixed methods research designs in enhancing management decision making. You will analyse a management decision case and recommend a research design that comprises a qualitative stage and a quantitative stage. You will also undertake quantitative data analysis, based on a data set provided to the class. This is an authentic assessment because the case is based on a real world management decision.

Learning outcome 1: Develop basic exploratory research to support information needs related to such problems as consumer and stakeholder attitudes and opinions about organisational products, issues, and promotions

Learning outcome 2: Understand issues related to the design, management, and evaluation of research to support organisational/client information needs

Learning outcome 3: Design and undertake statistical analyses

Learning outcome 4: Evaluate research studies

What you need to do
This assessment requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the role of mixed methods research designs in enhancing management decision making. There are two parts to the assessment. In Part A you will analyse the RSL CLUB management decision case and recommend a research design that comprises a qualitative stage and a quantitative stage. The link to this case is provided below. In Part B you will undertake three types of data analysis, using SPSS software, from the data set provided below.

Part A

Structure your report with headings for each section as follows, and note that no executive summary, table of contents, introduction or conclusion are required:

In your own words describe a one-sentence management decision problem (MDP). Then provide a one-paragraph rationale for this MDP. No references from the academic literature are applicable in this rationale as the information can only be drawn from the case. However, the rest of your assignment should be well referenced. No assumptions should be made about anything that is not mentioned in the case.

In your own words describe a one-sentence marketing research question (MRQ), which clearly addresses the MDP. Then provide a one-paragraph rationale for this MRQ. Reference the definition of the construct of interest.

List two research objectives to address the construct in the MRQ. One objective will require a qualitative technique, and one objective will require a quantitative technique.

Describe your proposed research design, utilising mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative), with two different samples of participants, to address the research objectives. Be clear about how each objective is being addressed by each method. Describe your proposed sampling and data collection procedures. Indicate the data analysis techniques, for both your qualitative and quantitative stages. Note that a literature review is not acceptable as your qualitative technique. Provide a one-page sample of your questionnaire items for the quantitative stage. You do not need to prepare an entire questionnaire. The questions recommended should clearly address one of your research objectives.

Briefly acknowledge any limitations of your research design.

Another researcher should be able to easily follow the specific steps in your research design to obtain the necessary information to address the MDP/MRQ. For example, please don't provide a discussion about the purpose of sampling, qualitative methods etc.

Part B

This section of your report is not related to the case study information in Part A. Rather, it has been included to enable you to demonstrate your ability as a marketing researcher to undertake data analysis. From the SPSS data file AMN403 Assessment 2 data set, the link to which is provided below, undertake and report the following data analyses:

Independent-samples t-test to determine any significant statistical differences between male and female students for Question 5 scale items: 1 to 20. List the item names, the two means and the sig. for each of these.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine any significant statistical differences by YEAR STARTED DEGREE for Question 5 scale items: 1 to 20. Specifically, you are only to report differences between those who started in 2003 and those from other years. List the scale item names and the sig. for each of the group differences.

Bivariate correlation matrix to identify any STRONG and significant associations between scale item 20 and scale items 1 to 19 in Question 5. List the scale item name, the sig. and the correlation coefficient for each of these.Assessment case -RSL Club

Jake,a marketing consultant from Sydney, was taking a short break holiday at the Gold Coast when he visited one of the city'ssix Returned and Services League (RSL) clubs for the first time. The Sunday afternoonvisit coincided with the end of the club's annual general meeting (AGM), and the venue was very busy. Purely by chance, Jake started chatting to the club's president while waiting for service at the bar. Seeing Jake was alone, the club president invited Jake to join his table for drink and a chat. Also at the table were several members of the club's executive committee, who were informally chatting about key issues raised at the AGM. "Jake, you are a marketer, so how do we fix our big problem" asked the club president. "It is busy here today because of the interest in the AGM, but have a look around the place and tell us what age group you see"? What Jake saw was a lot of people with grey hair, and what he didn't see were many young people. Apparently, a common issue facing many RSL clubs was the relatively small numbers of younger members, who are needed to replace the aging existing customer base. A passionate discussion followed about the role of RSL clubs in bringing the community together, and the need to develop a localadvertising campaign to reach the younger demographics on the Gold Coast. Jake advised the group that before they spend more time and resources on developing a promotional strategy to reach local young people, they should recognise that marketing is more than just promotion. "Ideally what you need is some marketing research to help guide your promotional planning, in terms of understanding the needs of local young people, because right now you only have differing conjecture about why the club is not attracting many of them. The 18 to 30 year old age bracket you are interested in are the most sophisticated consumers on the planet. This group has been exposed to more advertising messages than any previous generation, and so to get their attention and stand out from the noise of competitors you really need to get to know them". Jake left the group with the promise that he would provide them with the contact of a marketing researcher who could design alow-cost research plan to address their problem.In this Assessment you are to assume the role of the marketing researcher.

The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) was established in 1916 to help the repatriation of those returning from service in the First World War. According to RSL Australia, at the time of writing, there are now 1,135 branches across the country representing 150,000 members.As well as financial members, RSL clubs also attract ad hoc visitors fromthe local community, interstate, and overseas.Typically, these clubs are in the hospitality industry, providing meals, bar services, poker machines, Keno, and live entertainment. As such, RSL clubs compete with a myriad of other hospitality service providers such as pubs, hotels, restaurants, breweries, and cafes. The 18-30 year oldage group is an important market segment for hospitality businesses, and are spoiled for choice of available service offerings, particularly on the Gold Coast.

This is a fictional case based on an actual discussion between a visiting marketing consultant and several board members of a large Gold Coast RSL club.

Reference no: EM133555411

Questions Cloud

Innovative and successful computer manufacturers : Dell Computer is known as one of the world's most innovative and successful computer manufacturers.
What was the timeline and cost for a first-class sleeper car : According to the 1st paragraph of the article, why was the Transcontinental Railroad one of the United States' greatest technological advancements?
Analyze the sales and marketing strategy : Analyze the sales and marketing strategy. Analyze key finance issues; risks; risk-reduction. What are the management needs for the business to achieve its goal?
What are some benefits of inclusion : What are some benefits of inclusion? What are some ways to include victims and offenders in the restorative justice process? Provide real world examples.
Design and undertake statistical analyses : AMN403 Developing Market Intelligence Skills for Decision Making, Queensland University of Technology - Understand issues related to the design, management
Compare and contrast your classmate insight to yours : Compare and contrast your classmate's insight to yours. What did they get that you missed and vice versa?
How much production capacity : How much production capacity should Company C reserve for the last day? Please show your full working.
Develop a goal and two related objectives for your program : Develop a goal and 2 related objectives for your program. Describe facility and its services including the target population and demographics.
How did the crash of the stock market and president franklin : How did the crash of the stock market and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal give black Americans an opportunity to demand economic equality?


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