Reference no: EM132492921
ELE-2404 Design and simulate of DC Power Supply - Sharjah Higher Colleges of Technology
Project:- Design and Testing of DC Power Supply
Aim:The aim of this project is to design, simulate and investigate a DC Power Supply has the following specifications :
- Input :220V AC
- Output: 9V DC
- Minimum RL = 400
- Ripple factor r = 0.05
The general block diagram for this project is given below. It is very simple. It has the following four main sub-blocks.

Part 1: Design the circuit, determine all the theoretical calculation.
Part 2: Simulate the proposed circuit using multisim software.
Part 3: Each student has to produce a technical report ( see project format page)
Title, summary, introduction, theoretical discussion, results analysis, conclusions and references.
Attachment:- Design and simulate of DC Power Supply.rar