Design and simulate a network fulfilling given requirements

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132375102 , Length: word count:1500

Overview of Internetworking Assignment - Network Requirement Analysis and Plan

Purpose of the This assignment is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills related to the assessment (with following learning outcomes:

  • Analyse and report on the current and future state of the internetworking infrastructure and its applications.
  • Implement a process to support the administration and management of internetworking.

Assignment Description -

Project Scope: A typical network layout diagram of a higher education Institute is given as under (for illustrative purposes only). The Institute has sections segregated as Melbourne and Sydney campuses connected through WAN. Within the campuses we have laboratories and other office workstations segregated into School of IT and School of Business. The Network requirements are given as under;


Network requirements -

1. Two campuses have separate local area networks. Staff users from two campuses should be capable of accessing other campuses.

2. There should be clear restriction of Lab (students) host not capable of pinging any office (staff) hosts.

3. Printing services should be available to all the schools users.

4. Wireless access is available to all the staff and student and guest as well on both campuses.

5. Internet should be provided to all the sections.

6. IP network design is required

7. Hardware requirements with costs specification.

8. Configuration details on the hardware (Routers, switches and workstations).

Assignment requirements: As a group you are required to design and simulate a network fulfilling the above mentioned requirement. The report should have a detailed explanation of the planning and designing of network. It is recommended that bullet points are included whenever necessary.

1. Project Scope

2. Project requirements

3. Network design - Consider the human factor design concepts

4. IP addressing in a tabular form (include justification whenever necessary)

5. Network topology diagram and simulation (CISCO Packet tracer is mandatory)

  • Switch configuration
  • Router configuration
  • Access point and server configuration guidelines
  • Security configuration

Student should show the demo of the network design in Week 11 lab. Work progress and consultation will be done during week 9 and 10. Demonstration marks will be awarded in regards to the stage of the completion of the design

The format of the demonstration will be

a) An individual demo,

b) At least 3 viva voce questions related to the design, and

c) Demo and viva voce duration 5 - 7 minutes (at max). The following is to be covered.

Demonstration of the network design simulation in CISCO Packet Tracer.

Note: As per the need, the lab tutor can allocate 15 minutes in Week 9 and Week 10 for work progression check and consultation.

Reference no: EM132375102

Questions Cloud

Overview pertaining to the investigating of child abuse : His week's readings provides an overview pertaining to the investigating of child abuse. what you have learned about investigating alleged child abuse.
Case automatic weapon is defined as firearm : LSTD301- In this case an automatic weapon is defined as firearm that continuously fires so long as user presses the trigger and there is ammunition in gun
Provide informationally adequate descriptive statistics : Provide informationally adequate descriptive statistics. Describe the results of your evaluation of the assumption of multivariate normality
Amendments or sections of the constitutions are at issue : LSTD301-briefly share the details of this issue with the class and discuss specifically which Amendments or sections of the Constitutions are at issue.
Design and simulate a network fulfilling given requirements : Assignment requirements: As a group you are required to design and simulate a network fulfilling the above mentioned requirement
Punishments for crimes are decided upon by legislative : Sentencing guidelines and punishments for crimes are decided upon by legislative bodies, or in some cases by individuals appointed to a sentencing committee.
Some of the cons with implementing this type of mitigation : What challenges did emergency managers faced in implementing these programs? What were some of the cons with implementing this type of mitigation?
Introduction of the community development plan : Introduction of the Community Development Plan with thesis statement. Conclusion of the Community Development Plan and Technology Proposal
Which of two interpretations do you find more persuasive : Review Greater Anchorage Area Borough v. Sisters of Charity and Barnes Hospital v. Collector of Revenue.Which of two interpretations do you find more persuasive



9/23/2019 9:29:20 PM

Word limit - 1000 -1500 (approximately 4-6 pages). All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


9/23/2019 9:29:07 PM

Topics relevant and soundly analysed. Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source material appropriately. Components present with good cohesion. Excellent description and good justification. Components present with good cohesion. Clear styles with an excellent source of references. Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments and appropriate justification.

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