Design and produce the customer feedback survey for aca

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Reference no: EM132362744


Purpose of the Assessment

BSBITU306 Design and Produce business documents

1.1 Select and use appropriate technology and software applications to produce required business documents

1.2 Select layout and style of publication according to information and organisational requirements

1.3 Ensure document design is consistent with company and/or client requirements, using basic design principles

1.4 Discuss and clarify format and style with person requesting document/publication

2.1 Identify, open and generate files and records according to task and organisational requirements

2.2 Design document to ensure efficient entry of information and to maximise presentation and appearance of information

2.3 Use a range of functions to ensure consistency of design and layout

2.4 Operate input devices within designated requirements

3.1 Complete document production within designated timelines according to organisational requirements

3.2 Check document produced to ensure it meets task requirements for style and layout

3.3 Store document appropriately and save document to avoid loss of data

3.4 Use manuals, training booklets and/or help-desks to overcome basic difficulties with document design and production

4.1 Proofread document for readability, accuracy and consistency of language, style and layout prior to final output

4.2 Make any modifications to document to meet requirements

4.3 Name and store document in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without data loss/damage

4.4 Print and present document according to requirements

BSBITU402 Develop and use complex spreadsheets

1.1 Organise personal work environment in accordance with ergonomic requirements

1.2 Analyse task and determine specifications for spreadsheets

1.3 Identify organisational and task requirements of data entry, storage, output, reporting and presentation requirements

1.4 Apply work organisation strategies and energy and resource conservation techniques to plan work activities

2.1 Utilise spreadsheet design software functions and formulae to meet identified requirements

2.2 Link spreadsheets in accordance with software procedures

2.3 Format cells and use data attributes assigned with relative and/or absolute cell references, in accordance with task specifications

2.4 Test formulae to confirm output meets task requirements

3.1 Evaluate tasks to identify those where automation would increase efficiency

3.2 Create, use and edit macros to fulfil requirements of task and automate spreadsheet operation

3.3 Develop, edit and use templates to ensure consistency of design and layout for forms and reports, in accordance with organisational requirements

4.1 Enter, check and amend data in accordance with organisational and task requirements

4.2 Import and export data between compatible spreadsheets and adjust host documents, in accordance with software and system procedures

4.3 Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with spreadsheet design and production

4.4 Preview, adjust and print spreadsheet in accordance with organisational and task requirements

4.5 Name and store spreadsheet in accordance with organisational requirements and exit application without data loss or damage

5.1 Determine style of graph to meet specified requirements and manipulate spreadsheet data if necessary to suit graph requirements

5.2 Create graphs with labels and titles from numerical data containedin a spreadsheet file

5.3 Save, view and print graph within designated timelines


There are two (2) tasks to complete for this unit of competence:

This assessment is based on ACA Restaurant Café’ Business Plan and uses several scenarios to complete the 2 (two) Tasks. Certain tasks contain sub-tasks with written questionnaires, case study analysis and project work.

These tasks comprise the assessment of the application of ACA Restaurant Café’ business standards and policy knowledge and addressing the need to design and produce various business documents and publications. It includes computer operations and keyboarding and requires the exercise discretion and judgement using appropriate theoretical knowledge of document design and production to provide technical advice and support to a team.

You will need to demonstrate management and administrative skills to employ in a range of work environments required in the creation of business documentfor the need of business functions. These skills aim in providing administrative support within ACA Restaurant Café’ for designing and working with documents relevant to own work roles.

You are required to respond to all the tasks by demonstrating your skills and knowledge within the assessment guidelines and requirements. Certain tasks have been developed with templates, tables, and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Marking criteria have been provided to support the student’s understanding of the requirement for each task.

To be deemed competent in this assessment each student must demonstrate throughselecting and preparing resources, designing, producing and finalising business document.

You are to reflect on the scenario given and a sample template that has been designed as a connection to the scenario, todesign a document using an appropriate as required by ACA Restaurant Café’. You will have to respond to all the tasks by demonstrating your skills and knowledge within the assessment guidelines and requirements.

In Task 2A, you are required use the sample given and specification list provided to create a new document, and in Task 2B, you are required to complete the task by using the template, by following specific instructions and guidance to ensure you validate the required skills and knowledge.

Your responses must comprise:

• a comprehensive, detailed and integrated work operations information and management plan

• a work strategy, operation procedures and ergonomic requirements

• a formal strategy to use document designing software to complete business tasks and produce business documents

• a reflection of current relevant legislation regarding diversity, working conditions and WHS acts

• formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders

• a documented risk, issues, and change-management methodology

• a quality execution plan with assurance and control processes of work operations forthe creation of business documents

• a restaurant café’ team-based environment

Evidence of the following is important:

• demonstration of work operations implementation and its standards within the workplaceto designand work with documentsensuring consistent with company and/or client requirements, using basic design principles

Task 1 – Analysis and preparation through written responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of the need for research and analysis for managingand usingdocument designing software to complete business tasks and produce business documents.

This task consists of questionnaires which associate with the knowledge of the work operations procedures and standards throughemploying a range of work environments required to create business documentsand provide administrative support within the businessservices of the ACA Restaurant Café. The responses should include the following:

• Must be relevant to the scenario, business functions and standards of ACA Restaurant Café that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of work operations followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant Café’ work environment and the scenario incident stated within the assessment. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the restaurant café.

• The questionnaires have been developed with templates and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

• Marking allocations have been stated with each task to support the comprehension of the required information to be delivered.

• Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements ofthe workplace.

Task 2 – Development of document, report writing and written responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of computer operations and keyboarding and the discretion and judgement of using appropriate theoretical knowledge of document design and production to provide technical advice and support to a team.

This task consists of demonstrating creating one (1) business document, report writing and written responses that will contribute to measure customer services and identify areas of improvement of work operations. The execution of this task should include the following:

• Must be relevant to the standards and policies of ACA Restaurant Café, scenario and Business Summary plan that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of customer service practices followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant Café’ work environment. The information provided must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the restaurant café.

• To generate the business document, you must refer to the provided sample and specification list with reference to the Scenario stated and standards of ACA Restaurant Café and must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking guide.

To complete this task, the student must comply and reflect to the sample and specification table given to ensure the developed document map with the requirement. You must follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate and/or complete the taskwith the use of the information given.

• The development of the reporting must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking guide, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided.

• The questionnaires have been developed with templates and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

•  theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business operations will not be assessed as satisfactory

• Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements ofthe workplace.


The Owners have applied new policies, made adjustments to work operation and given appropriate training to staff members to the improve the services offered  and to ensure all the staff comply with the policies and procedures, they have asked the Manager to monitor their performances of service delivery within the restaurant café.

It is through customer feedback; the Owners can also learn the success level of the improved implementation of the procedures and the commitment of the staff member in complying with the policies. The result of the survey should assist the Owners to decide if the customer service of the staff have improved or not and/or whether there are any other areas within the restaurant café that may will require attention.To ensure they get regular feedback from the customers, the Owners have decided to design a customer feedback survey and place one each at every table and an extra of 10 surveys to be placed on the reception counter.

One of the Owners, Rufus has generated a rough draft of the required customer feedback survey and specified to Joe Roux, what they want. A sample of the rough draft and required specifications has been given below. They require a quality template to be designed and produced that reflect the business functions of ACA Restaurant Café’ and that can be saved within the system of the business so that it can be used at all times.

They have asked Joe Roux, the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café, to take the responsibility to assign/allocate the task to a staff member,  to electronically design and create thesurvey for the restaurant café’ , as per the rough draft,  and print them of the required quality.
They have designated a time of 2 days to complete this task.

Task 1 – Preparation of the development ofbusiness document

It is important to understand that business documents represent the business, in that manner, they need to be clear, well-prepared, and thorough

To ensure you can develop the required documents, you, as Jack Fry, decided to have a solid understanding of the purpose of such document and appropriately organise and tailor the information that will be presented.

Your task is to:

Written Responses:

Respond to the following queries in the appropriate spaces below:

All responses must:

• be relevant to the Business summaryof ACA Restaurant Café’ and the Scenario, unless otherwise stated.

• demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned from acknowledging the policy

• theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

Question 1: Based on the business functions of ACA Restaurant Café’ (please refer to the Business Summary),

a. listat least 4 (four) different types of business documents that you as the Manager can design and produce for the restaurant café’?

b. identify what organisational plans, procedures, policies and /or requirementsthat might exist within the restaurant café’ for creating and designing them? Give at least four (4) four examples of organisational standards and plans.

c. State from where and how would you find out this information?

Question 2: For the above-mentioned listed business documents in Task 1 Q1, what technology and software applications would you consider usingto produce them?Include the name/type of document production software.

Question 3:

a. State how can you utilise the various operations of the input devices of the selected technology, to create the required business documents as stated in Task 1 Q1,for ACA Restaurant Café’?

b. Considering the various input devices used for creating the document as required in Task 2A, which was the most suitable device? Explain why? Consider devices like but not limited to keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner or photocopier.

Question 4: List at least (4) four range of functions and features of contemporary computer applications that can be used to design business documents for ACA Restaurant Café’. Please explain

Questions 5:
For what reasons would you use layout and styles of publication when producing the business documents for ACA Restaurant Café’?

Question 6:
For atask assigned to a staff member, to develop abusinessdocumentfor ACA Restaurant Café’,what factors can you consider designatinga deadline for the staff to completethe document? List at least 5 (five) significant factors.  Consider the various factors e.g. experiences of staff, compliance with standards. availability of instructions and support, need of business, effort to proofread etc.

Task 2 – Design, produce and adjustments applied to finalise documents
Assume the rough draft that Rufus created has been handwrittenby him - described on a price of A4 sized paper of how he is keen the survey to look like. He described in detail to Joe during a meeting. Please find the roughly created customer feedback survey by Rufus as given below, titled “Sample: Rough Draft of Customer Feedback” the image below. The sample must be used as it contains relevant information to apply in designing the document.

He has also listed certain specifications he prefers to be incorporated within the document, however, has been the scope to for the staff to select appropriate layout and style and apply design principles with consistent formatting that would meet and reflect the business requirements.

Specifications include:

Joe Roux, the Manager of ACA Restaurant Cafe’ has assigned you, as Jack Fry, the senior wait staff to create the required document with a deadline of 2 days. However, you would be given extra time if required. You are also required to print 1 copy for each table including for the copies for the party area and 10 extra copies to be placed at the reception desk.

Your Task is to:

A. Design and produce the Customer Feedback Survey for ACA Restaurant Café’.

You are to use the “Sample: Rough Draft of Customer Feedback” to cater the need of the Owners on how to design the document and follow the given specification as stated by the Owners.

You must include the following when designing the document:

• consider safe work practices which includes ergonomic requirements

• open a new file by selecting correct technology and appropriate software applications

• apply knowledge of functions and features of current computer applications (most updated software and device to be used)

• Refer to the given “Sample: Rough Draft of Customer Feedback” below. Follow the instructions and modify the document and incorporate relevant adjustmentsbased on the organisational requirements through

applying basic design principles

applying consistent formatting

using appropriate styles

using accurate layouts

proofreading – spelling, grammar using check documents options

• Must include the required specifications as required by the Owner as given the “Specification Table” above

• Ensure document design is consistent with business requirements– logo, colours, ABN, fonts, size, images, layout and presentation

• identify, open relevant PNG File (.png) or BMP File (.bmp) or jpeg logo image file to embed within the document as advised. Use suitable format. Resize as per requirement

• ensure to enter information in a well-organisedmanner to make best use of presentation and appearance of information

• good use of accurate questionnaires to be used andwith good visual presentation, easily readable and ease of understanding

• apply any modification to information modified if required (however must consult with appropriate personnel)

• compare with sample and specification list to check requirements are being met

• ensure to generate file and record according to task with correct file name of “ACA Customer Feedback Survey 2019”

• save the document in two formats (which can be saved within the e-library of the business)

one in PDF format using the printing function - check proofreading prior conversion

• print only 1 (one) copy the survey and submit as an attachment with this assessment, must include your name and student number

• email the both electronic copy (word and PDF) to your Assessor, with a file name “2019XXXXX- Student Name - ACA Customer Feedback Survey 2019”

B. Write a report that includes detailed information of that functions and operational input devices of the software you have incorporated to produce the Customer Feedback Survey, as done in the above Task 2A.

This is to ensure to keep record of how ACA Restaurant Café’ can maintain the consistency of design with business requirement using basic design principles and what elements of formatting, designing and layout has been applied to ensure consistency of adhere to organisational requirements for any similar documents that will be produced at all times.

You may record this report by generating a new file to create as a new document to store within the records of ACA Restaurant Café’. You may assume that this report will be saved as the name of “Format and layout details of Customer Feedback Survey template”.

To complete the report, answer the following questions within the table – responses must be relevant to Task 2A:


What line and spacing points did you apply?

What features did you choose for character spacing?

What font did you use? What size did you choose? And colour?

What is the size of the margin used?

What is the source of embedding the logo?

What symbols did you use for the document?

What process did you use to embed the logo? How did you adjust its placement and size?

What is the position of header and footer? Include the sizes

What text alignment and hyphenation did you apply?

Was any information modified to improve the document’s efficiency? If so, what is it?

C. Written Responses:

Respond to the following queries in the appropriate spaces below:

All responses must:

• be relevant to the Business summary, standards, and Task 2A, unless otherwise stated.

• demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned from acknowledging the policy

• theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

Question 1: Once you have designed and produced the above document for ACA Restaurant Café’, as stated in Task 2A, how would you confirm proofread for readability, accuracy and consistency of language, style and layout prior to final output. What actions did you take to check it meets the requirements for style and layout as well?

Question 2: When printing the document of Task 2Afor the restaurant café’, you realised that spacing between the lines written the document of the following sentences is very wide apart and spacious.:

“our restaurant café pays great care and consideration towards providing our customers with the best food and table service” and

“We would appreciate the time in completing our customer satisfaction survey. Thank you for your support!”

Outline what modifications to the document would you implement to meet the requirements.

Question 3: It is important to be familiar with all the factors relating to the production of the document before producing, which includesformat and style. If you are unsure, you need to seek clarification with the appropriatepersonnel.  Other than Joe Roux, the Manager, who else could you seek clarification from in regards this matter and what information could you discuss regarding the document development?

Question 4: Whilst creating the business document, should you face any difficulties with using the design applications, explain how you can gain explanation and support using the manuals and user documentation, online assistance, any training booklets and/or help-desks. Where can these options be located.

Question 5: Every business will have procedures and systems in place that determine how and where documents are stored. List how what is involved when you will storethe document you created in Task 2A for ACA Restaurant Café’. Also outline what you should consider when storing the document.

Question 6: What techniqueswould you apply that would avoid loss of the document you have created for ACA Restaurant Café’?

Questions 7: Considering the document you have created, state what various ways do you think you can present the document? Also,state, for the various other documents produced within ACA RestaurantCafé’ what could you do to present them?

Reference no: EM132362744

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