Reference no: EM132941530 , Length: word count:3000
Task: Explicate the design and method in ONE example of qualitative social research, focusing on the relationship between epistemology, theory and empirical procedures.
An 'explication de texte' of 3000 words (including quotes and references) using the following research journal article.Ohls, Carolina (2017) 'A Qualitative Study Exploring Matters of Ill-being and Well¬being in Norwegian Activation Policy' Social Policy & Society
It will be a review and evaluation essay that makes explicit the research design principles and methods of the above article. The exercise will test your understanding of the research process and your ability to identify the underlying assumptions, the structure of the argument, the use of evidence and specific analytical techniques in the reported study. It is not intended to be a generalized critique of qualitative method.
You are expected to include some or all of the following topics and themes in your assignment (not necessarily in this order).
- Framing of the research (design) and epistemology
Concepts and theories
Research question(s)
Sampling and data collection Explanatory model
Data analysis procedures
Representation of the evidence
- Conclusions drawn (possibly considering validity and reliability)
You are advised to cross-refer to methodological literature (e.g. module recommended texts) where it is relevant to do so.
Assessment criteria:
The exercise will show how well you understand research strategy and design in qualitative research, and processes of interpretation. A good assignment will display evidence of close reading and the ability to identify and evaluate the choices being made by a researcher in carrying out and writing up a piece of qualitative social research.