Reference no: EM133258712
The work involves the design and implementation of the back-end of Car Sale website. The Online Car Sale allows registered sellers to advertise their cars in a website and buyers to search and buy cars. You designed and built the front-end of website by using HTML and CSS and JavaScript. In this stage, you are required to Database and store sellers' data, implement login, and search functions by using PHP and MYSQL.
- Database
database to store sellers' details and cars information.
B. Seller Registration
Once seller details are successfully submitted, all the seller details should be stored into the Database and an acknowledgement message should be displayed.
B. Login
Sellers should be given the option to login using existing username and password if they are already registered. If the attempt to login is successful, the seller page (add car page) should be displayed.
C. Seller Page
This page should provide the following links for all the sellers after successfully logging in:
Once the car details are successfully submitted, all the car details should be stored into the Database including seller ID which is a foreign key.
D. Search Page
Search page allows the buyers to find cars that they are looking for by typing the Model and location. This option should allow buyers to view selected cars details.