Design and implementation of network

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131917124

You need to make company with three branches one of them head office to make it support for ABC company using packet tracer

Design and Implementation of Network between company head office and the branches of it and it security.

The aim in this project is the work of the design help resolve network requirements in Company, and is working to help all staff their communication process between the branches and to implement all security measures in order to make the network reliable.


The main objectives are:

- Action Plan suitable for network and the company's needs.
- Improving the existing local area networks of five branches by redesigning
- Design and for current local head office in order to be allowed to install additional servers.
- Design and Implementation of the suitable Wide area network technology.
- Provide security between the branches and within the individual networks.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
1.1-Project Background. 4
1.2 Motivation.
1.3 Aim.
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Scope of the project:-
1.6 Problem Statement:

Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 Wide Area Network
2.2 Site-to-site VPNs
2.2.1 Dynamic Multipoint VPN
2.2.2 Easy VPN
2.3 Other hardware do I need
2.4 Ethernet
2.5 (Network Interface Card NIC)
2.6 Role Hub distributor and Operator Switch:-
2.7 VOIP:-
2.8 Summery

Chapter 3
3.1 Interview
3.1.1 Summery of the interview
3.2 Questionnaire.
3.3 Requirements Specifications
3.3.1 Functional requirement.
3.3.2 Non-Functional requirements
3.4 Cost Analysis

Chapter 4
4.1 Changes the LAN (Local Area Network):
4.2 LAN (Local Area Network) at the remote sites:
4.3 WAN (Wide Area Network):
4.4 IP address Table:
4.5 Test Plan:

Chapter 5
1. Route:-.
2. Switch:-
3. PC:-
4. VOIP:

Chapter 6
» PC 1 ( can access to FTP & WEB. 34
» PC 2 ( can access to EXCH & data & DNS. 35
» Network can access to all servers. 36
» PC 7 ( can access to all servers. 36
» PC 8( can't access to all servers. 37

Chapter 7
Project Management
7.1 Outline:-
7.2 Project Gant Chart:-
7.3 Project Milestone:-

Chapter 8
Evaluation and conclusion and references
8.1 Evaluation
8.2 Conclusion
8.3 References

Attachment:- sample.rar

Verified Expert

The paper is prepared for the design and implemenation of nwetworking int ht ebank in Oman. The bank has three branches. The Paper provides information about the software,their functioning, the right desin and network that can be inplemented has been suggested in the paper. The paper is prepared for 7000 words. Referencing in Harvard style. Title page, Table of content, referencing, citation and page number inserted. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 space.

Reference no: EM131917124

Questions Cloud

What are the different types of revenue streams : What are the different types of revenue streams? How do these revenue streams differ for a for-profit compared to a non-profit organization?
Determine the molecular formulas for compounds : Determine the molecular formulas for compounds having the following empirical formula and molar mass:
Provide an overview of the companys business model : It is the authority on fashion, beauty and lifestyle trends, and offers empowering content on women's issues, covering them with depth and style.
Sales using regression to estimate trend : What would be the forecast for next year’s sales using regression to estimate a trend?
Design and implementation of network : You need to make company with three branches one of them head office to make it support for ABC company using packet tracer
What should be price of stock : If the risk-free rate is 2% and the market risk premium is 6%, what should be the price of the stock?
Functional groups on most amino acids : 1) The functional groups on most amino acids are:
Cost of common equity considering-estimation methodologies : What is the cost of new common equity considering the estimate made from the three estimation methodologies?
Company uses wacc as discount rate for projects : The company’s tax rate is 40%, and the company uses wacc as its discount rate for projects. What is the WACC for JS Inc.? Current Year: 2010.



3/27/2018 5:16:40 AM

dear sir i wont to make for me project with title (i want to make company with 3 branches one of them head office to make it support for ABC company using packet tracer.i have upload one file by following same steps ,more over i wont to make the similarity less than 10%

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