Design and implementation of active directory domain service

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Reference no: EM131098931

Server Administration and Maintenance Assignment - Design and Implementation of Active Directory Domain Services for a Large Enterprise in Australia

Question 1: Drawing a Network Diagram

To complete this, draw a diagram representing the physical architecture of the enterprise network. The diagram should include all of the company sites, the number of computers at each site, the connections between sites, and the bandwidth of each connection.

Question 2: Forest Design Strategy

Using the requirements stated in the enterprise scenario you assume, create an AD DS forest strategy for the enterprise network. Your strategy should specify how many forests are needed and provide the following information for each forest:

- Forest name

- Why a separate forest is required

- Which forest model the forest should use

- What resources should be included in the forest

Question 3: Domain Design Strategy

Using the requirements stated in the enterprise scenario you assume, create a domain strategy for each of the forests you specified. Your strategy should specify how many domains will be needed in each forest and provide the following information for each domain:

- Domain name

- Why a separate domain is required

- What resource should be included in the domain

- Where the domain controllers for the domain should be located

- Whether the forest should have a dedicated root domain

Question 4: Diagraming Forests and Domains

Draw a diagram of the forests, domains, organization units, groups and users in your design, indicating the name of each forest and the domains each forest contains.

Question 5: Implementation

Implement Active Directory Domain Services on three laptops, representing two domain controllers in two sites, and one web server. Install DNS server on one domain controller. Develop a simple web page to introduce the enterprise on the web server. Create groups and users so that users can log in the system.

Question 6: Presentation

Present an overview of your design at first. This overview should include an introduction to the enterprise scenario and requirements. Second part of the presentation should walk through your design and strategies. Third part is the demonstration of the implementation. Each student has 10 minutes for the presentation.

Reference no: EM131098931

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