Reference no: EM13316884
The Report that you have to write about Computer Hacking
The proposal should be 1 or 2 pages in length. It should include problem definition, background and motivation, key contributions and the plan to get it done (a few milestones can be included).
Guidelines for report writing
Your report should be 6-8 pages in length, double-spaced, using font size 11 point. The report can be of one of the three forms:
1. a survey;
2. description of your design and implementation of a security approach (original ideas preferred);
3. your practical experience on a particular security topic.
In your report, be sure to summarize, rephrase instead of directly "copy" from other articles or web sources, be sure to include references whenever you cited some techniques/concepts from another article (otherwise, it is deemed as plagiarizing.)
Try to make your report organized; you can divide your articles into several sections such as overview, design and implementation, discussion, related work and conclusion.
Try to write in reasonable English, avoid typos and syntactic errors as much as you can.
After you finish your report:
-use Microsoft Powerpoint to create your slides for a 15-minute presentation. It`s about Computer Hacking the same subject that you wrote in the report. You are going to take the same information that you wrote in the report and make it as slides.
I want it to be simple so I can do my presentation easily. Also, I want to be 10-15 slides or whatever good for you.