Design and implement the game of pig

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132430672

Design and implement the game of Pig. In this game, the user completes against the computer.

On each turn, the current player rolls a pair of dice and accumulates points. The goal is to reach 100 points before your opponent does. If, on any turn, the player rolls a 1, all points accumulated for that round are forfeited, and control of the dice moves to the other player. If the player rolls double 1's, the player loses all points accumulated thus far in the game and loses control of the dice. The player may voluntarily turn over the dice after each roll. Therefore, the player must decide either to roll again (be a pig) and risk losing points, or to relinquish control of the dice possibly allowing the other player to win.

Implement the computer player such that it always relinquishes the dice after accumulating 20 or more points in any given round.

This version of Pig is similar to that described as the two-dice game on Wikipedia, except it does not have the doubles rule.

Reference no: EM132430672

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