Reference no: EM131076673
Part 1
Design and implement a class Menu which uses doubly linked lists as main data structures. A Menu object consists of a set of main menu items, organized as a doubly linked list. Each main menu item has an associated submenu of items which is also organized as a doubly linked list (see an example of a Menu object in the attached file MenuExample.pdf). The class Menu should define a default constructor which builds an empty menu and the following methods:
• addMainMenuItem for adding a new main menu item with an empty submenu at the end of the list: public booleanaddMainMenuItem(String newItem)
• addMainMenuItemBA, for adding a new main menu item with an empty submenu before or after an existing main menu item. If parameter ba is true the newItem will be added before the existingItem and if ba is false the newItem will be added after the existingItem. public booleanaddMainMenuItemBA(String newItem, String existingItem, booleanba)
• deleteMainMenuItem, deletes the main menu item specified by name (supplied as method parameter).
• addSubMenuItem, adds a submenu item specified by name to a main menu item specified by name. Both names should be supplied as method parameters.
• toString, traverses the linked lists data structures and generates the string representation of a menu object, organized on rows. Each row should include the main menu item followed by its submenu items separated by a semicolon character. The last row of the string representation should include the number of main menu items and the total number of submenu items.
Notes 1. 1. For implementing the class Menu you may use either an appropriate data structure designed by you from scratch or the LinkedList data structure defined by JCF (Java Collection Framework). 2. If necessary, additionally methods may be defined for the class Menu. Give reasons for the new added methods. The class should compile without errors.
Part 2
Write a driver program to test the Menu class. In the driver program, do the following tasks:
a) Read menu items from the input file Menu.txt and build a menu object which includes the specified items. Each file line contains a main menu item followed by its submenu items, all items being separated by the semicolon character. The main menu and its submenus should be built node by node with the values taken from the input file. After reading the file and building the menu, display the menu using the toString method.
Below is an example of the content of the input file Menu.txt:
File;New;Open;Save;SaveAs;Close; View;Color;Gray;Zoom;Ruler;Grid; Process;Select;Move;Rotate;Scale;Delete;Group; About;Release;Version;Contact;Description;
In this example, File, View, Process and About are the main menu items. The main menu item File has New, Open, Save, SaveAs and Close as its submenu items.
b) Consider a main menu item Insert and its submenu items Table, Picture and Shapes. Add this new main menu item and its associated submenu to the Menu object constructed at a). Ask the user to enter from the keyboard whether the new main menu item should be added before or after and existing main menu item which will be also specified from the keyboard. Display the new menu using the toString method.
c) Delete a main menu item specified by the user from the keyboard then display the menu using the toString method.
Notes 2. 1. The input file Menu.txt will be created by the students using a simple text editor (such as Notepad). 2. Where appropriate, Part 2 tasks a - c should be accomplished by invoking the Menu class methods defined in Part 1.
Submission requirements
Submit the following before the due date listed in the Calendar:
1. Source files and and input file Menu.txt. The source code should use Java code conventions and professional code layout regarding white space management, indents and comments.
2. The solution description document <YourSecondName>_HW2 (.pdf or .doc / .docx) containing: (2.1) assumptions, main design decisions, error handling, (2.2) test cases and two relevant screenshots, (2.3) lessons learned and (2.4) possible improvements. The size of the document file (including the screenshots) should be of two pages, single spaced, font size 10.
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