Design and implement a small and simple email server using

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13347553

Design and implement a small and simple email server using the concept of web based information system (WBIS).

Your system would perform subsequent tasks to facilitate the users:

Task 1: Login or logout: Already registered users should be able to login the system using username and password (stored in the database). A new user should be able to register with the system providing some basic profile information such as, name, date of birth, username, password, gender etc.

Task 2: Show the list of users (only the user name/ID) already registered in the system.

Task 3: A user could be able to send a message to another existing user using the username/ID. The message could go to the inbox of the recipient. The recipient should be able to see the message from the inbox.

Task 4: A user could be able to see his/her own messages from the inbox.

Task 5: A user should be able to delete a message from the inbox

Task 6: A user should be able to update his/her profile It should use JSP, java beans, servlets and should be running on tomcat server.

Reference no: EM13347553

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