Design and implement a basic stamp based circuit

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Reference no: EM131560580

Assignment: Basic Stamp program

I do have a project to be done by using Basic Stamp program. The idea of the program is a security gate that opens by entering a code for it by using two push buttons.

The project:

1. Design and implement a basic stamp based circuit that would simulate the working of a security-gate of your gated community. The gate will operate as follow:

a. When turning on of the circuit, a red LED will be on and the gate is closed. The bar of the gate will be in the horizontal position. Use the servo with a wire to simulate the bar.

b. There will be two pushbuttons that are used to enter the security code. If the code sequence is entered correctly, the red LED will turn off, a flashing yellow LED will flash ten times before the gate opens, the servo will move to open the gate (the bar is vertical) and a green LED will turn on for 10 seconds.

c. After 10 seconds of being open, the green LED will turn off, a flashing yellow LED will flash ten times before the gate closes again.

d. The servo will move to close the gate and a red LED will be on.

e. If the sequence is not entered exactly as intended, the red LED will flash three times and the program discards the code, i.e., starts from the beginning

The code is Push buttons #1 is pushed once and push button #2 is pushed seven times.

Reference no: EM131560580

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