Design and implement a basic graphical user interface

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13788809


Design and implement (in Java) a basic graphical user interface (GUI) program for recording information about a family tree.

You can assume that a family member has some immediate relatives: ie, a mother and father (maybe unknown), zero or one spouses and zero or more children. A family member also has a first name, a surname at birth, a surname after marriage, gender, an address and a paragraph of text describing what is known about their life. Obviously, this is a simplified version of reality.

An address has a street number, street name, suburb and postcode.

A family tree contains this information for a whole bunch of related people.

The program can be started in editing mode or viewing mode.

In viewing mode, the GUI shows details for one person at a time. A family tree will have specified starting person. From the GUI the user will be able to change the displayed person to (display) one of the immediate relatives of the current person.

In editing mode, the user can choose to start a new empty family tree or edit an existing one. A new family member can be added as an immediate relative of an existing person or the names, address, or text for an existing person can be changed. It is not necessary for this basic software to allow the user to be able to link an already existing person in a new role, eg as the mother of another already existing person.

The software should allow a user to conveniently enter their own family tree and have it stored for subsequent editing and viewing.

Set up a couple of demonstration family trees which you submit and give clear instructions in the User Guide for use of those family trees.

Note that your program should compile and run under Java SE 8 and NetBeans IDE.

Required Documentation for the Question

Please remember to submit the Java source code and executable version of your program (i.e. the whole NetBeans project). The final version of the program should compile and run under Java SE 8 (JDK 8). Internal students should test compilation and running on the University lab machines.

For internal documentation (ie in the source code) we require:

- a beginning comment clearly stating title, author, date, file name, purpose and any assumptions or conditions on the form of input and expected output;

- javadoc and other comments giving useful low-level documentation and describing each component;

- well-formatted readable code with meaningful identifier names and blank lines between components (like methods and classes).

Reference no: EM13788809

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