Reference no: EM133042544 , Length: word count:2000
COM714 Software Design and Development - Solent University
Assessment - Solent Campers
Software Product and Report
Problem Scenario
Solent Campers is an organisation with their headquarters based in Southampton and with branches throughout the UK. Solent Campers specialises in arranging camping trips for its customers. They help their customers hire camping sites and camper vans and plan routes around the UK.
Solent Campers operates from its offices. Customers visit the offices in person and talk to advisors. Customers discuss their preferences with a Solent Campers advisor who makes bookings on behalf of the customer. At present, this process is manual and involves the advisor making phone calls to check what camper vans and sites are available and then book as appropriate.
Solent Campers wish to improve the process of booking trips by computerising the process. They would like a software application that can be installed at each of their sites and which allows the advisor to view available camping sites and camper vans and make bookings via the application. The improved process will involve the following:
- A customer would visit one of the offices and meet with an advisor. The customer would first inform the advisor of the type of camper van they require. This can be small (for a couple), medium (for a small family) or large (for a large family). The advisor would search for matching camper vans, view the details of the camper van and book it for the customer.
- The customer would then inform the advisor what regions they are interested in visiting. The advisor will search for matching camping sites based on location/region, view the details of each camping site, and then book suitable camping sites.
- Once the trip has been booked, the advisor would provide the customer with a printed summary of their trip.
You have been tasked with creating the software application. The application should do the following:
- The application should be standalone.
- The application should allow an advisor to search for camper vans and camping sites, check their availability and book them if they are available.
- The application should allow an advisor to display the summary of a trip. The summary will include information related to the camper van and the camping sites to be visited.
- The application should allow an administrator to add camping sites or camper vans to the system or remove these from the system.
- The application should allow the data to be exported to a suitable file format.
Software Product Requirements
Your software product must demonstrate the application of object-oriented programming using Java.
Data Storage - No database is expected. Instead you should implement functionality that uses suitable data structures (such as array lists) to store data.
Models - Suitable models should be implemented in Java.
Graphical User Interface - A suitable graphical user interface should be implemented using Java Swing.
Authentication - Suitable authentication should be added to identify the user (advisors or the administrator) and make relevant functionality available to the user. You may use a pre-populated list of users in your system.
Technologies - You should only use the technologies taught in this module to implement your solution. These are Java, Java Swing, JSON, CSV, Git and GitHub.
Evidence of Development
You should evidence your work throughout your assessment by creating a suitable private Git repository and regularly committing to your repository as you develop your solution. You should include evidence of your commit history in your report. You may be asked to show your project's Git repository as part of a demonstration of your final working solution.
Report Requirements
Your report should detail the design and development of the software product.
In terms of the design, you should follow the ICONIX process. Your report should include an initial domain model, a class diagram, a use-case diagram, use-case text for the different uses cases, and suitable robustness and sequence diagrams for each use case. Your report should include a clear and concise explanation of your design.
In terms of the development, your report should include a technical explanation of the implemented solution with appropriate short code snippets to support explanations. The implementation should be consistent with the design, and where this is not the case, reasons for this are clearly explained in the report.
You should also include suitable evidence of development as explained the previous "Evidence of Development" section above.
Attachment:- Software Product and Report.rar