Reference no: EM133145295 , Length: word count:2000
CP50073E Human Centred Computing - University of West London
Human-Centred Computing Strategy for the Design of a New System
Learning outcome 1: Understand and demonstrate the ability to apply principles from human-computer interaction to interactive systems design.
Learning outcome 2: Evaluate interactive systems quantitatively and qualitatively for their ease of use by target customer groups.
Learning outcome 3: Understand and demonstrate the ability to manage stakeholder-developer interaction during the requirements elicitation stage.
Learning outcome 4: Understand and demonstrate the ability to apply the principles of user interface design and information architecture to trans-mediated and multi modal interactive systems.
Learning outcome 5: Understand the dynamics of a multidisciplinary development team delivering a software system that meets the requirements of a target customer group.
Title - Development of a human-centred strategy for the design and development of a new system
Task details
You will be responsible to write a portfolio of tasks comprising a human-centred strategy for the design and development of a new version of the digital search facility in the British Library (BL) website. Use the knowledge already obtained from completing the first assignment in order to help you prepare your strategy.
This strategy portfolio should include the following elements:
• Identification of key users and stakeholders (1 paragraph per stakeholder)
• Persona creation for each user profile:client (Student) and library assistant(1 paragraph/template per persona)
• For each of the following usertasks:(Identify and order a physical resource in BL website and retrieve it from the automated kiosk in the relevant circulation desk in the BL reading room)and (Ask the ALS to move items from the public reading collection into the restricted collection as they are due for restoration). Produce oneAbstraction Hierarchyper task( atotal of 2 tables: one for each user task)
• Interaction Design and Information Visualisation Recommendations developed from the WDAs. Illustrate with sketch of user interfaces and control behaviours for each task.
• How would you manage the integration of User-Centred Design and Agile Development activities for the interface design of the website. (2 paragraphs + lifecycle PERT chart)
• If you were to design this system in India, how would you address cultural differences in your approach to the process and product of interaction design of the library system. Note cultural differences as per Hofstede's study below. Note the contrast in terms of individualism and power distance. (2 paragraphs: one to discuss individualism and one to discuss power distance)
Attachment:- Human Centred Computing.rar