Design and develop an embedded system

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13646975

The aim of the project is to design/develop an embedded system incorporating a microcontroller to act as a digital stopwatch for use at athletics meetings.

In order to meet the specification the development of the following will be required:

(i) Hardware for the embedded system incorporating PIC microcontroller, LCD display, control switches etc.

N.B. The PIC microcontroller kits can be used to demonstrate the software performance, however a complete hardware design should be included in the submitted report.

(ii) Assembly language program to control the operation of the embedded system.

(iii) Thorough testing to ensure correct operation of system

(iv) Project Report to evidence all of above

Reference no: EM13646975

Questions Cloud

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Calculate its speed and its period of revolution : An alpha particle (q = +2e, m = 4.00 u)travels in a circular path of radius 4.88 cm in a uniform magneticfield with B = 1.00 T. Calculate (a) itsspeed, (b) its period of revolution
Find to what angle can the sculpture be tipped : A sculpture is 4.00 m tall and has its CG located 1.80 m above thecenter of its base. To what angle can the sculpture be tipped before it fallsover
Design and develop an embedded system : Assembly language program to control the operation of the embedded system and thorough testing to ensure correct operation of system
A small spherical insulator of mass : A small spherical insulator of mass 6.75 x 10-2 kgand charge +0.600 μC is hung by a thin wire of negligiblemass. A charge of -0.900 μC is held 0.150 m away from the sphere and directly to the right of it, so the wire makes anangle with the vertica..
Estimate what is the freezer temperature : The mercury manometer shown in the figure below is attached to agas cell. What is the freezer temperature
Find what is the torque exerted on the trap door by the rope : A trap door, of length and width 1.65 m, is held open at an angleof 65.0 degree with respect to the floor. what is the torque exerted on the trap door by the rope
The force of repulsion that two like charges exert : The force of repulsion that two like charges exert on each otheris 4.2 N. What will the force be if the distance between thecharges is increased to 4 times its original value?


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