Reference no: EM131250726
o Use the above page as your first page.
o Your answer for each question should not exceed 300 words.
o Use appropriate diagrams if needed.
o Use the following format:
1. Heading - Heading 1
2. Sub heading - heading 2
3. Font - Times New Roman and Size - 12
o Any assignment submitted after the deadline will not be entertained. You will be assigned ‘0' marks automatically.
o For question number 2 and 3, follow the instructions below:
1. Add comment lines for your coding. Marks will be deducted if your coding does not contain comment lines.
2. Copy the codes into Word file. Do not print screen the code. Use font size 12 and above.
3. All output must be printed using print screen option. Any programming question without output will attract marks deduction.
Design and develop a website with the following output. This application uses validation controls such as the following:
o Required Field Validator
o Range Validator
o Regular Expression Validator
o Validation Summary
1. Web Development Life Cycle is an important aspect of any web application development. Describe each stage of web development life cycle with appropriate diagram.
2. Develop a website which takes the following details:
o First Name
o Last Name
o Age
o Subjects
First Name
Click here to enter text. (Textbox)
Last Name
Click here to enter text. (Textbox)
List control ( age from 18 to 25 )
?ASP.NET ? JSP ? Java Programming
Submit button
Clear Button
3. Design and develop a website with the following output. This application uses validation controls such as the following:
o Required Field Validator
o Range Validator
o Regular Expression Validator
o Validation Summary

Provide a summary of each strategy
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Domestic and global scale
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What is the writer context for writing the piece
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Define workplace emotional intelligence - primal leadership
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Design and develop a website with the output
: Design and develop a website with the output. Web Development Life Cycle is an important aspect of any web application development. Describe each stage of web development life cycle with appropriate diagram.
Innovation important to healthcare management
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Cournot equilibrium price for industry
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How much bread is each person buying or selling
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Share of the market means higher profitability
: Many firms have set their goal as to maximize their market share, while some companies consider higher profitability as their main objective. However, some people believe that higher share of the market means higher profitability.