Design and develop a website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131625899

Responsive Web Design (RWD)


The Museum of Art & Craft, is a government sponsored museum. They have contracted you to develop a website for this museum. You have been provided with the following initial and technical specifications.

Memo: Website Requirements
From: The Museum of Art & Craft, Senior Management To : WIMP Engineering R&D Consultants

Design and develop a website. The idea is to provide information to potential visiting The Museum of Art & Craft premises. The goal is to allow potential visitors to obtain an overview of the museum layout and to obtain details of the selection of artefact on display by the museum.


Resources such as images and details of opening hours can be found in

1. Three folders named Chinese, Eastern and European. Each folder contains images relating to the different type of artefact as indicated by the folder names.

2. A text file Artefact_List.txt lists the proper names of the specific aretefact corresponding to each of the image within each folder. You need to use the proper names as listed, as the formal description of the artefacts on your website.

3. A text file Time_Fees.txt containing the business and opening hours of the museum.

4. Logo.png - an image of the logo of the museum.

5. Floor_Plan.jpg - an image of the museum's floor plan.

General Requirements

The museum management insists that the following requirements must be adhered to:

1. Each webpage of the website must display the museum logo. You can edit this image, but the font style, type and colour must remain as in the original image.

2. Do not change the proper names of the artefact. Do not rename the filenames of any of the images.

3. All images of each artefact must be presented to potential visitors. This can be done within one webpage or distributed across several web pages. The idea is to ensure that potential visitors are made aware of the complete selection of artefact on display at the museum.

4. The images are to be used as it is. You can resize the images retaining the original aspect ratio, but do not crop or edit (e.g. re- colour, touch up, sharpen, etc.) or rename the images in any way.

5. Generate a separate page providing the opening and business hours. The details are found in the Time_Fees.txt file.

6. Text description for each artefact is not provided. You can provide your own ‘dummy' text (i.e. lorem ipsum) to demonstrate the functionality of your web page design.

Assessment details

What You Need to Do

The Individual Case Project specified in Portfortlio 2 is a continuation from Portfolio 1.

At the end of each week, you will complete a different section of the given project as specified in the above section. Each of the weekly Individual Case Project will contribute progressively toward the completion of the given website project. Each Individual Case Project corresponds with the textbook chapters from each week's lesson plan. You are to document and report on each of these Individual Case Project, cumulating in a final portfolio (i.e. Portfolio 2). Portfolio 2 should be submitted along with Practical Assessment 2.

Portfolio 2.1 (Chapter 7)

Use your design sketches from Portfolio 1 and start to build wireframe page mock-ups for the different page levels of your site. Your website should adopt a flexible design. Using the skills you learned in this chapter, build and submit page layouts for the different levels of information your site will contain. For example, you need to build a home page mock-up, an article page mock-up, and a section page mock-up. Remember to test your page mock-ups with some text content and at different browser sizes and screen resolutions as specified in the details for Practical Assessment 2.

Portfolio 2.2 (Chapter 8)

Gather the graphics to use on the different pages of your site. This is provided in the PRORESOURCE.ZIP folder. For other graphics that are not included, please exercise your creativity to create graphics that you will use in the project. These include banner, navigation, section, or identifying graphics. Add these graphics to the test pages of your site. Test the images in multiple browsers to make sure they are displayed properly. Think about the different color requirements for your content, and decide how you can enhance the legibility of the content. Can color help communicate the structure of your information?

Determine the color choices for your web site. Pick the colors for text, table backgrounds, and page backgrounds. Establish graphics standards for your web site, including but not limited to the following:

- Decide whether you will use a standard amount of white space around each graphic.
- Determine exactly which img attributes should be included in all <img> tags.
- Formulate a standard for all alt and title attributes.
- Formulate a basic set of image standards for your site. Use this as the display standard for testing your graphics.
- Determine colors of links and visited links.
- Write a short standards document that can be provided to anyone who contributes to the site.

Portfolio 2.3 (Chapter 9)

Examine the flowchart you created for your web site. Consider the requirements of both internal and external navigation. Create a revised flowchart that shows the variety of navigation options you are planning for the web site. Using your HTML editor, mark up examples of navigation bars for your content. Make sure your filenames are intact before you start coding. Save the various navigation bars as separate HTML5 files for later inclusion in your web pages. Plan the types of navigation graphics you want to create. Use graphics from Portfolio 2.2 for your page banners, navigation buttons, and related graphics.

* Do not include the HTML5 script files in your portfolio. Include only a selection of examples of the work you have carried out at this stage. It is assumed that the HTML5 script files will subsequently be improved and expanded and becomes part of your final project for Practical Assessment 2.

Portfolio 2.4 (Chapter 10)

Examine the content of TIME_FEES.TXT provided in the PRORESOURCE.ZIP. Design and implement the data contained in this file to be appropriately displayed.

Portfolio 2.5 (Chapter 11)

Design and include forms in the project website. The forms will be used to gather contact details of visitors to the website. (Note: For the purpose of this project, the form need not have a backend server nor functionality. No actual record will be saved.) Include the following fields:

- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Country of Origin
- Personal Interest
- Comments

Portfolio 2.6 (Chapter 12)

Finalize your project web site by testing the finished design in multiple browsers and devices (simulators) and making any necessary adjustments or changes to support compatibility. If possible, enlist three to five people to review your web site. Ask for their recommendation.

Compile the feedback and analyse the results the test. What do the results indicate about the effectiveness of your design. Point out the areas that you feel could benefit from user recommendations. List any assumptions you made about the web site and how users either confirmed or denied these assumptions.

Portfolio 2 Summary

Consolidate and combine all your previous efforts from Portfolio 2.1 to 2.6 into a DOC or DOCX report. Present this as a formal report to the client that contracted you for this project. For the purpose of this project you are assumed to be a professional. As such, you should attempt at your best to reflect this quality in the preparation of the report.

All sketches, diagrams and figures should be embedded as part of the report. Do not submit external files. For webpage renderings of HTML5 or CSS3, please include screen captures of example of your web pages. Do not submit HTML5 or CSS3 script files in your Portfolio.

The format of your report should be as follows: A4 size paper, 2.5cm margins on all sides, single-sided, Time Romans or New Time Romans font, 12pt font size, DOC or DOCX format.

Reference no: EM131625899

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9/4/2017 2:42:59 AM

• To obtain 26-50% of the marks allocated for a specific section of the assessment, the student’s work typically demonstrate a sound level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of knowledge within the scope of the course. • To obtain 1-25% of the marks allocated for a specific section of the assessment, the student’s work typically demonstrate a limited level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of knowledge within the scope of the course. • 0 marks will be allocated for a specific section of the assessment, where an erroneous or no attempt has been made by the student.


9/4/2017 2:42:51 AM

Marker’s Guideline • To obtain 76-100% of the marks allocated for a specific section of the assessment, the student’s work is expected to demonstrate a very high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of knowledge within the scope of the course. • To obtain 51-75% of the marks allocated for a specific section of the assessment, the student’s work typically demonstrate a high level of knowledge and understanding of concepts, facts and procedures, and application of knowledge within the scope of the course.


9/4/2017 2:42:42 AM

Assessment Criteria The following criteria will be used to assess your assignment: Criteria Marks • Overall functionality. Web pages function as intended. 5 • Website demonstrates all aspects of a responsive web implementation. 10 • The completed website sufficiently demonstrates the main features of the initial design and its intended purpose. 5 • Quality of HTML5 and CSS3 coding techniques. Demonstrates proficiency in HTML5 and CSS3. 5 • Website and associated webpage design corresponds closely to the work reported in Portfolio 2. Conversely, the details presented in Portfolio 2 should be supportive of the prototype implementation as demonstrated in Practical Assessment 2. 3 • Inline comments, filename convention and overall file and folder structure. 2 Total marks: 30

Write a Review

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