Design and develop a database using professional principles

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13760082

The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and created in the Week Three Individual Assignment.

Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:

Design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.

• Provide a logical and physical design of the database.

• Use relational database software application to develop database.

• Provide an entity relationship diagram.

• Normalize the database.

• Generate and provide test data.

Use a Microsoft® Visio® diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF).

Use the Microsoft® Access® database created in Week Three to create a minimum of 10 rows of test data in each table. Also, create at least one query that joins two tables and returns values from both tables.

Note. Only the Microsoft® Visio® diagram must be normalized to the 3NF. The 3NF is not required for a Microsoft® Access® database.

Submit the ERD and final database to the appropriate Assignment link.

Reference no: EM13760082

Questions Cloud

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Define a business process and an example : Define a business process and an example - Compare book's methodology to the methodology you found in your research. (Can use to different methodologies to compare not in text book).
Implement a sequence recognizer : Implement a sequence recognizer that outputs 1 whenever a sequence of input bits ends in "0010" or "100". This circuit receives (as input) one bit per clock cycle and outputs the value 1 whenever the sequence 0010 or 100 appears
Design and develop a database using professional principles : Design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.
Meta-search engine : Explain the difference between a search engine and meta-search engine. Name two of each.
Health care organisations : The various components of the selected health care system.
Comparison of the creative processes : Could they have done anything differently? How did their work fit into the existing framework of understanding in their field, and how did it advance further understanding of the field?
Which of the theoretical approaches to studying : Define types of knowledge needed to achieve communicative competence, and provide an example of each. Which of the theoretical approaches to studying and understanding language learning do you most associate with?


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