Design and develop a database solution for smartmovers

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132582861

Unit 04 Database Design & Development - Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing

Assignment - Data base system for the SmartMovers Transport Company

Learning Outcome 1: Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem.

Learning Outcome 2: Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.

Learning Outcome 3: Test the system against user and system requirements.

Learning Outcome 4: Produce technical and user documentation.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

*Please note that assignment guidance is for reference only and should be more specific in detail to meet customized needs.

Assignment brief

Case study
You are employed as a Database Developer for a large IT development company. The company has been approached by a transport company called SmartMovers which has grown to a level where need to have an automated system to handle day today operational activities to meet customer demands. You are given the job to design and develop a database solution for SmartMovers to meet their business requirements.

The company transports chemical products from one location to another on behalf of registered customers. Customers are of three types namely Catogory1, 2 and 3. Each customer is given a unique customer number and his or her details have to be recorded in the system.

Each transport operation is called a job, which involves picking up one or more loads of the products from a customer requested start location and delivers it to a customer requested destination. A unique number is given for each job and for each load when they are created.

A Load is transported using a particular transport unit, which consists of a lorry, a driver, assistant, and a container (for carrying the product) A container is fixed to a trailer so it needs to be coupled to a lorry at the start of a Job. (Single container can transport only one chemical product due to safety requirements)

Payments for a job depends on customer type, product type (No Risk, High risk) and the load type (small, medium and large). Transport operations are run from 9 regional depots. Jobs are allocated to individual depots to service. Depots hold, manage and maintain their own transport units which are permanently allocated to them to service Jobs. Normally transport units are held at the base Depot they belong.
The final system should be able to provide the required information for management decision making and to handle daily operations efficiently and effectively.

Activity 01

a. Identify the user and system requirements to design a database for the above scenario.
b. Identify entities and attributes of the given scenarioand design a relational database system using conceptual design (ER Model)by including identifiers (primary Key) of entities and cardinalities, participations of relationships.
c. Convert the ER Model into logical database design using relational database model including primary keys foreign keys and referential Integrities. It should contain at least five interrelated tables.
Note:-It is allowed to have your own assumptions and related attributes within the scope of the case study given.

Activity 1.2
a. Explain data normalization with examples. Check whether the provided logical design in task 1.1 is normalised. If not, normalize the database by removing the anomalies.
b. Design set of simple interfacesto input and output for the above scenario using Wireframe or any interface-designing tool.
c. Explain the validation mechanisms to validate data in the tableswith examples.

Activity 1.3
a. Check whether the given design (ERD and Logical design)is representing the identified user and system requirements to access the effectiveness of the design.

Activity 2

Activity 2.1
Develop the database system with evidence of user interface, output and data validations, and querying across multiple tables.
a. Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created (Use SQL DDL statements).
b. Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple interface to insert, update and delete data in the database
c. Implement the validation methods explained in task 1.2-part c.
d. Display the details payment with the job details and the customer details using Join queries

Activity 2.2
a. Explain the usage of DML with below mentioned queries by giving at least one single example per each case from the developed database.
Note: - The queries you have selected should be meaningful and relevant to the given scenario.

Activity 2.3
a. Explain how security mechanisms have been used and the importance of these mechanisms for the security of the database. Implement proper security mechanisms (EX: -User groups, access permissions) in the developed database.

Activity 2.4
a. Explain the usage of the below SQL statements with the examples from the developed database
Group by
Order by

Activity 3

Activity 3.1
a. Provide a suitable test plan to test the system against user and system requirements
b. Provide relevant test cases for the database you have implemented
Note:- Learner needs to give expected results in a tabular format and screenshots of the actual results with the conclusion

Activity 3.2
a. Explain how the selected test datain task 3.1 b)can be used improve the effectiveness of testing.

Activity 3.3
a. Get independent feedback on your database solution from the non-technical users and some developers (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting method) and make recommendations and suggestions for improvements in a separate conclusion/recommendations section.

Activity 4

Activity 4.1
a. Prepare a simple users' guide and a technical documentation for the support and maintenance of the software.

Activity 4.2
a. Your technical documentation should include some of the UML diagrams (Use case diagram Class diagram, etc.), flow charts for the important functionalities, context level DFD and the Level 1 DFD

Activity 4.3
a. Suggest the future improvements that may be required to ensure the continued effectiveness of the database system.

Attachment:- Database Design and Development.rar

Reference no: EM132582861

Questions Cloud

What would be the final velocity after 5 seconds : If a car is traveling at a constant velocity of 5m/s and accelerates at a rate of 4.4m/s, what would be the final velocity after 5 seconds?
Will absorption costing net operating income be higher : Sells in its second year of operations, will absorption costing net operating income be higher or lower than variable costing net operating income in Year 2?
Important characteristics of high-performing project teams : Describe, in your own words, what you believe are the four most important characteristics of high-performing project teams
How to identify the type of cost : How to Identify the type of cost (i.e. variable, fixed, stepwise or mixed) incurred under each of the transaction (justify the answer given).
Design and develop a database solution for smartmovers : Design and develop a database solution for SmartMovers to meet their business requirements - Payments for a job depends on customer type, product type
Explain the effects of the imposition of export tax : Explain the effects of the imposition of an export tax on a good Y by a home country's government
Do think the premise holds for all fixed budgets : Since a budget is a projection of future costs (fixed & variable), do you think this premise holds for all fixed budgets in the long run?
Analyze five google technologies : Analyze five Google technologies that are current under research and development which are: Self-driving automobile, Google Fiber, Google Fiber,
Calculate the new selling price : Calculate the New selling price, if profit is Rs. 360,000 and expected sales 45,000 units (Others are remaining constant) and Break Even Point (BEP) in units


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