Reference no: EM132186943
Apprenticeship Training Database
Our school has an office that tracks the training activities of apprentices in many areas including electrical, plumbing, heating ventilation air conditioning. As an apprentice you need to complete hours of work and studies (homework and exams) in specific topics to advance in your career. (Apprentice, Journeyman, Master)
The Related Training course work offered at MSU offers a correspondence education for the individual apprentice working for an approved Plumbing or Electrical Firm in the State of Montana.
Through the successful completion of these fifteen courses of study, the student can fulfill the education requirements of their plumbing or electrical apprenticeships.
These courses are recognized by the State of Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Apprenticeship Training Program.
The related training office needs a database to track all information pertinent to an apprentice completing the requirements to become a journeyman.
The State of Montana needs a report from MSU that shows the activity of each apprentice and when the last activity occurred. Continued progress through the apprenticeship program is required to maintain employment eligibility.
MSU mails books and materials for each course that an apprentice pays for to the apprentice's employment sponsor. This allows the sponsor to keep informed on some of the activity of their apprentice employees.
Apprentices need to complete assignments and a final exam for each course in the program. When they have completed all courses then they are eligible for journeyman status.
Your assignment is to design and create a database that will accomplish the above requirements.
For test data, please enter at least 3 sponsor companies, 6 apprentices (put yourself in as one), and 2 programs: plumbing and electrical.
You can enter 2 courses for each program with 4 assignments and a final exam for each course. Make sure you have an apprentice or two that have completed all their requirements, some that are working through requirements, and at least one that has not completed any requirements in the past 3 months, so they will show up on an exception report for inactivity.
MS Access
Should fulfill the requirements including tables, queries, and reports discussed above. It would be good to create some data entry screens to make the process of data entry easier for the user.
Attachment:- data fileAYK28.rar