Design and create an animated clock

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131485713

JavaScript in Space.

Elon Musk needs tools to help the first Mars colonists travel to the surface of Mars.

Elon Musk is the founder and CEO of SpaceX. SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. In September 2016 Elon Musk unveiled the company's Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). The most powerful rocket ever built. A spaceship designed to carry at least 100 people to the Red Planet per flight.

Problem description
Its 2030. 103 people payed $200,000 for a ticket to travel to Mars. Elon Musk asked to help. The ITS is a beautiful spaceship, but still lacks some of the necessary controls. Since JavaScript is a lightweight language its very suited for space travel. The plan is to create an Interplanetary Transport System Interface (ITSI). The generic interface can track the progress of the journey and other factors, like:

Design and create a website that is to be used inside the spacecraft. The purpose of the website is to give information about the trip and to prepare travelers for upcoming arrival on mars. You can incorporate some or all of the factors above and/or add your own ideas. Astronauts should be able to use the interface anywhere on the ship.
Assignment guidelines:
- Incorporate at least three working functionalities (functionalities are not content)
- Use DOM manipulation and forms

- The interface needs to be interactive (e.g. use Events)
- Usage of frameworks and libraries are not allowed
- Write the page in validated HTML5
- Elon Musk does not like Times New Roman on a white background, nor does he like comic sans. Please create a professional, consistent and modern look and feel.

Elon Musk needs tools to help the first Mars colonists survive on the Red Planet.

Problem description
In 2032 SpaceX landed the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). 102 colonists are now living on the surface of Mars. Elon Musk asked to help the "new Martians" on the planet surface. Inside the main Mars Dome there are complaints about the lack of a central timepiece. The dome is a bit boring, people are home sick. In short the dome needs a bit cheering up. It also can be important for the colonists to Earth to know the current time on Earth versus the time on Mars.

Elon is thinking about projecting a large animated Space Clock onto the dome. You may choose your own style and theme.


- Make the clock interactive; e.g. theme switching.

- Show GMT: Greenwich Mean Time or other Earth time.

- Show Martian time (TedX talk, Wikipedia article).

Assignment guidelines:

- Design and create an animated clock that will be displayed in the Mars Dome.

- Use the Date Object to show the actual time and date in an interesting way.

- Use animation in your clock.

- Use DOM manipulation.

- Usage of frameworks and libraries (other than TweenMax) are not allowed

- Write the page in validated HTML5.

- Elon Musk does not like Times New Roman on a white background, nor does he like comic sans. Please create a professional, consistent and modern look and feel.
Elon Musk needs tools to help find the perfect landing spot for the returning Martians.

Problem description
In 2068 SpaceX the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) is returning to Earth. Elon always envisioned the Mars journey to be a two-way trip. So 32 colonists are returning to their home planet.

Elon Musk asked to help these ex-Martians. We need to find the perfect landing spot on here on the Earth surface. There are many factors to take into account when landing on our surface, for example:
- Incoming asteroids

- Clouds or general weather conditions

- Elevation of landing site

- Traveltime to the base station at the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

- Previews of potential landing spots (images)

- Drawing possible landing areas on the map

Assignment guidelines:

- Design and create an interface using the Google Maps API and at least one other external API connection

- The map needs to have interaction in place and show data from an external API(s)

- Your theme (e.g. colors, styles) of the interactive Map must be original

- Be innovative and dive into the external API possibilities.

- A standard Google map with simple markers will not suffice.

Reference no: EM131485713

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