Reference no: EM131042196
In chemical engineering, dynamic process models based on conservation laws have become an indispensable tool for the development of new processes and the improvement of existing ones. However, the development of realistic and predictive models is a challenging and time consuming task. This is due to the fact that a model is to choose, validate and revise the physical model assumptions. Modeling is an iterative process. Virtually every model of a complex process is inadequate at the beginning and requires a lot of refinements before it delivers satisfactory result. Often, it is necessary that experts from different fields share their knowledge during the model development process. With this background
(i) Give a brief note on the role of computer aided modeling and simulation techniques for the analysis, design and control of process engineering systems.
(ii) Brief the main objectives of the computer aided modeling and simulation system
(iii) Critically analyze the applicability, domain, features and advantages of the various simulation and modeling systems available in process engineering.
(iv) Indicate the various role that are expected from such a Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation(CAMS) system
Note: Report at least 4 pages.
Q2- (Control and Instrumentation)
Select a process variable (pressure / temperature / level / flow) and conduct a literature survey to determine recent developments in process instrumentation field. Identify any one novel instrument and explain in detail the working of the instrument. Description should include neat diagram, principle of working and the source of literature (to be attached). Maximum 800 words.
Note: the advanced literature should be attached. Plagiarism should be 0%.
Q3- (Health and Safety)
Safety programmeoften is viewed largely as a simple matter of applying specific routines. In many cases, the routine are repeated regularly despite obvious signs of their inadequacies. Greatly needed is an understanding that the sources of harm, which the safety specialty should be able to control, have basic origins although their consequences will differ in character and severity. This view furnishes the realization that hazards are not simply the agents most closely identified with injuries. Merely regulating them is not the sure way to limit their effect. In fact, it is necessary first to employ a means of controlling the causes responsible for the presence of injurious agents. This in essence is the practice of safety management.
Prepare a report on the following:
(i) Importance of safety management in process industry from a specific case study
(ii) Components of safety education in a process industry
(iii) Design a new safety education, training and awareness programmefor an industry of your choice. State the stability and adequacy of the programme for the needs of all the people concerned
Note: report at least 3 pages.
Q4- (Refineries )
Refer published information in journals/articles/reports for the last five to ten years and prepare a brief note not more than 10 pages. Read, understand and report by your own words, tables, pictures etc. (provide clear references) Copy and paste result in zero marks.
Latest commercial technologies; current research & development and technologies used for sweetening process.