Design an relational model model of a database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13330430

1.Design an Relational Model (RM) model of a database (DB) that will be useful for each of the chosen enterprises. (Hint: You may choose to translate the 2 ER model designs you created ).

2.The following aspects are required and should be captured in the project

a.There should be at least 20 - 30 relational schemas covering Entities in the associated ER design for each enterprise dB.

b.There should be at least 20 - 30 relational schemascovering (entity-to-entity) Relationships in the associated ER design, for each enterprise.

c.Implement the 2 enterprise relational DBs using either MySQL or SQLite

d.Populate the two DB with relational tables for all the relational schemas involved, with each table having at least 5 - 10 entries (tuples, records).

3.Document and present your design as a reportin the following form:

Date, Revision Number

Problem to Solve

Design (RM) model. (Provide details in an Appendix)
Summary & Conclusions
Acknowledgments, (if any)
References, (if any)

Reference no: EM13330430

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