Design an r-c contact protection network for this circuit

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM131184740

A 1H, 400-Ω relay coil is to be operated from a 30-V dc supply. The switch controlling the relay has platinum contacts. Design an R-C contact protection network for this circuit.

Reference no: EM131184740

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Design an r-c contact protection network for this circuit : A 1H, 400-Ω relay coil is to be operated from a 30-V dc supply. The switch controlling the relay has platinum contacts. Design an R-C contact protection network for this circuit.
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What value resistor and capacitor should be used : If a 100-Ω resistor is used in the contact protection network, then what value capacitor would be required for the protection network to be non-oscillating (over damped)?
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