Design an online learning experience

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Reference no: EM132320081

Assignment: Designing and Developing an e-Learning Course - Part 2

Preparation: Go to the Course sites Website and go through the tutorials to help familiarize yourself with Blackboard. Additional links and tutorials may be available in the course shell. You will use this Website to create your course.

Scenario: In this assignment, you are required to design, develop, and implement a mini-online, six (6) week course, using the Course Management System (CMS), Blackboard. The subject matter of the course must be approved by the class instructor provided in feedback of

Assignment 3: Proposed Course for Development Part 1

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Part A Course Content - Described

1. Revise Assignment 3 based on feedback from your professor.

2. Name the course and provide an ID.

3. Provide a course description with three (3) goals and a welcoming announcement.

4. List one (1) or two (2) required instructional materials for the course and at least three (3) supplemental materials (in APA format), providing a rationale for each.

5. List three to five (3-5) learning outcomes for the first three (3) weeks of instruction.

6. Recommend three to four (3-4) instructional strategies to be used in the course, providing a rationale for each.

7. Design a weekly schedule for these first three (3) weeks that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with the topics.

8. Include in the weekly schedule (a) two (2) discussion questions for each of the three (3) weeks and (b) required activities.

9. List two (2) assignments: (a) a five (5) -question quiz and (b) a writing assignment.

Your written assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Part B Blackboard Shell - Developed

Directions: • Go to

• Click on the Sign Up link (top right corner) and choose option "As Instructor."

• Complete the Sign Up process.

• Choose Create New Course.

1. Name the course (e.g., John Smith_Introduction to Social Science).

2. Provide Course ID (e.g., JohnSmith_ISS100).

3. Provide a course description with three (3) goals.

Directions: • In the Enrollment Options, select the option "Instructor-Controlled"

• Click on the link "Save and Continue" link (green color)

• Skip Invite Students. Click on Customize Course link (green color)

1. Provide a welcoming announcement on the Home Page in the course site you just created by clicking on the "more announcements" link at the bottom of box titled "My Announcement."

2. Build three (3) content areas using the Content area in the main menu on the left side of the screen: (hover mouse over "+" > click on Content Area), naming the content areas: Week1 Content, Week 2 Content and Week 3 Content (Make sure you check the box "Available to users.") .

3. Create one item in each content area that has an attached three to four (3-4) completed PowerPoints slides pertaining to the content of your mini-course.

Directions: • Go to the Information link (Left Course Menu) and create the required course elements listed next:

1. List the one or two (1 or 2) required instructional materials and at least three (3) supplemental materials. Name this item "Instructional and Supplemental Materials."

2. List three to five (3-5) learning outcomes for the first three (3) weeks of instruction. Name this item "Learning Outcomes: Weeks 1-3."

3. Build a weekly schedule for these three (3) weeks that includes: (a) topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with these topics. Name this item "Weekly Schedule: Weeks 1-3."


• Go to the Discussions area in the left course Menu.

1. Create a Forum in the Discussions area and name it Week 1-3 Discussion.

2. Post two (2) discussion questions by creating a new thread for each question.


• Create another Content Area (hover mouse over "+" > click on Content Area) in the Left Course Menu and name it Assessments (Make sure you check the box " Available to users."). Then use the Assessments drop down menu to create a quiz by choosing Test and a writing assignment by choosing Assignment.

1. Create: (a) a five (5) question quiz and (b) a writing assignment in the Assessments link.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Design an online learning experience.

• Plan the resources required to support an online learning experience.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in theory and practice of e-Learning.

• Write clearly and concisely about theory and practice of e-Learning using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM132320081

Questions Cloud

Describe one way you can integrate blended learning : Describe one way you can integrate Opportunities to differentiate learning. Describe one way you can integrate blended learning.
Essential processes of an e-commerce system : a) What are the essential processes of an e-commerce system.
What ways does having more clarity : In what ways does having more clarity about your values help you to become a better leader?
Create a theory of action to sustain school transformation : Create a theory of action to sustain school transformation. Predict two (2) problems that may develop based on your theory of action. Propose two (2) solutions.
Design an online learning experience : Design an online learning experience. Use technology and information resources to research issues in theory and practice of e-Learning.
Determine which type of financing is best for business : Therefore, entrepreneurs should evaluate advantages and disadvantages of debt and equity financing and determine which type of financing is best
Create powerpoint presentation with the slides : Using an IT organization that you currently work for or have worked for previously, create a PowerPoint presentation with the slides
Steps in the planning process : Which of the following steps in the planning process would include examining the overall economy when forming? objectives?
How consumers can use the internet to shop in new ways : What must companies focus on in order to survive in today's business environment? Describe how consumers can use the Internet to shop in new ways.


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