Design an online application - name of muscat auction

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131793523

Learning Outcomes

1. Design and implement a usable Internet application for use on multiple browsers, including connections to a well-designed database using server and client side scripting.

2. Create a Web application applying Web standards and accessibility guidelines.

3. Discuss the technical issues in interactive Web applications.

4. Discuss Web usability concepts and their applications in interactive Website design, including page, site and content design.

5. Compare and contrast different types of Web applications and the differences in their content and design.

Assignment Topic: An Online Auction

Your task is to design an online application, with the name of "Muscat Auction", that is aimed at taking the action to the finger tips of aspiring bidders and involving a wider cross section of art lovers and antique collectors. Your site will act as an open forum where buyers and sellers can come together and exchange their products. The site will ensure that the sellers get a fair deal and buyers get a genuine product. Your application must consist of the following pages:

1. Home Page
This page opens up a door to aspiring web users. The Home page is designed in such way that the layout is as user friendly as possible. There is a navigational menu at the top of the page which links to various inner pages.

2. Login/User Registration
Those who wish to take part in bidding or selling products will have to register at this site as a seller or buyer. Only authenticated users can take part in selling or in bidding. The system should automatically reject an un-authenticated user who tries to bid or sell at the site.

3. Register Products
This page is used for presenting items for bidding. Only those who have registered and authenticated as sellers can place their articles for bidding. This module collects information like Product Name, Product Details, Starting Bid amount, Incremental value etc.

4. Bidding
This page is for bidding on any selected item. The bidder has to authenticate before participating in the bidding process. The system checks whether the incremental amount entered by the bidder is equal or more than the incremental minimum set during the product registration time. The system places the record in the bid history against the bidder account.

5. My Auction
This page is an interface for both buyer and seller. The Buyer can see the bidding history of items which are open and by which he/she has bided. Similarly, the seller can see the progress of bidding on items he/she has placed for bidding.

6. Feedback
The purpose of the page is to send messages/comments to the web administrator.

7. FAQ
This page is meant for first time users of the site. This page provides answer to questions which are common and frequently asked.

8. WebAdmin
This link opens to the administration module which is open to web administrator only. The web administrator can add product categories and edit product information like closing date. Also, there is an option for administering the closed bids. This page is for contacting the bidder and seller by email instructing them to settle the transaction within a given time frame.

Write a properly-referenced report, which includes the following:

Section 1. Introduction of the assignment. This section includes the background and aims of the assignment and the target audience. This should also discuss the problems that prompt the proposal of the assignment.

Section 2. Research and Planning. This section includes an investigation into some similar topics. It needs to identify the following:

The similarities or differences of the assignment to the products or sites being investigated.

The systems analysis and design tools as well as the development tools to be used in the assignment.

The research plan of activities with a timeline.

Section 3. Design. This section shows how the application is to be implemented. This section includes the following information:
Use-Cases or Flow Charts
An Entity Relationship Model (ERM) for the underlying database, including a specification of each table showing primary keys.
Database tables with their attributes.

Section 4. Implementation. This section shows the implementation of the whole application, but the following tasks need to be implemented. You are required to show the codes of these tasks on the report.

Login authentication and user profile
Registered product for bidding.
Bidding module
My auction module
Feedback module

Section 5. Testing & Validation: - This section ensures that the end result meets the business and user requirements. You are required to test the following tasks:

Login authentication with invalid and valid data
Test the validation control on user profile
Authentication of user for bidding
Web admin tasks
Frequently asked questions

Section 6. Conclusion and recommendations show the reflective analysis of the assignment and your recommendations.

Backup and recovery plans, which should detail the procedures for disaster/recovery, backup, and the contingency measures needed in order to maintain the system or to keep it up-to-date. A discussion of possible improvements that can be made on the application

g. References This section lists all the references that you have used in your report (should not be less than 5 references). Kindly follow the rules and regulations for referencing.

Printing Details

The report must be written using Microsoft Word, with the following specifications:
a. Font is Calibri (Body)
b. Font size 12
C. Headings can be recognized using the same font with size of 14 bold and Subheadings 12 bold
d. Line spacing is 1.5 lines
e. Margins are 30 mm. from left and 25 mm for the other margins.
f. Paper size is A4, using one side and leaving the other side blank.

Reference no: EM131793523

Questions Cloud

What is the primary goal of investor-owned corporations : Are there substantial differences between the finance goals of investor-owned and not-for-profit corporations? Explain.
Identify the ways in which terrorist behavior is influenced : Identify the ways in which terrorist behavior is influenced by internal, environmental, and socio-cultural factors.
Prepare the journal entries to record the payment : On March 4, 2010, Tatum Co. receives payment of $3,642 in full from Novinger Inc. Prepare the journal entries to record the payment
The lity in product design cycle : Which is not one of the 'LITY' in product design cycle ?
Design an online application - name of muscat auction : CE00880 - design an online application, with the name of "Muscat Auction", that is aimed at taking the action to the finger tips of aspiring bidders
Purpose and significance of good marketing plan : Explain briefly the market plan structure and the purpose and significance of a good marketing plan? What are some of the disadvantages of being public company?
Record the transactions in the general journal : May 1 Received a $12,300, 1-year, 9% note in exchange for an outstanding account receivable from S. Dolan. Record the transactions in the general journal
What is the relationship between value and risk : Describe an action that may look impressive but does not create value? What is the relationship between value and risk?
The psychological impact of the re-emerging trend : Merely copying the article's abstract and submitting it as an annotation is prohibited, and will result in a zero score.



1/3/2018 12:55:14 AM

Assessment Criteria Fail (40 — 49) • The Application is partially functional • Testing with some values • Design interface is satisfactory • Satisfactory demonstration • Satisfactory documentation Good (50 — 59) • The Application is partially functional • Proper validation of all controls • Proper testing of all pages • Good design interface • Good demonstration • Good documentation Very Good (60 — 69) • The Application is fully functional • Proper validation of all controls • Proper error handling and message prompting • Proper testing of all pages • Very good design interface • Very Good demonstration • Very good documentation Excellent 70+ • The Application is fully functional • Proper validation of all controls • Proper error handling and message prompting • Proper testing of all pages • Excellent design interface • Excellent documentation


1/3/2018 12:54:51 AM

You should hand in one copy of your assignment/project by the time and date mentioned above to the appropriate 'hand-in location' at the Gulf College. Fill in the front cover (staple together with your assignment). MAKE SURE that you fill in all the relevant details on this form. An acknowledgement will be given to you upon receiving your assignment. This is your receipt, keep it. You can submit work by post, but you must send it recorded delivery, it must be postmarked two days before the deadline date and a copy must be kept by you in case it is lost in the post. Faxed assignments will not be accepted. Assignments must be submitted by the due date. The only circumstance in which assignments can be submitted late is if an extenuating circumstances form is submitted at the same time. In these circumstances work may be submitted up to 2 weeks late only. If the extenuating circumstances are upheld, the assignment will be graded; otherwise a 0 will be awarded.

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