Design an object hierarchy

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13743907 , Length: 2

Individually develop your own unique object-oriented program. Your program will need to have purpose and be non-trivial. It is up to you to decide on the purpose of your program: be creative The program must interact with the user, be well tested and bug free, contain object-oriented programming techniques and appropriate data structure usage. You should design the program such that it solves an interesting problem, and provides value to the user.

You will need to incorporate the following object-oriented programming features into the program, ensuring each is appropriate for purpose, effective in usage, and correctly implemented:

• Java Programming: Console input/output, file input/output, enumeration.
• Data Storage: Variables, arrays, collections, sorting.
• OO Techniques: Classes, objects, aggregation, composition, inheritance, abstraction, interfaces, modularity, reuse, exceptions, serialization.

Design Phase:

Before programming, design an object hierarchy. Design your own UML class diagram to reflect the classes and relationship required by your program. Microsoft Visio is a good tool to use for UML class diagrams, it is available on the AUT lab computers, as well as via Microsoft's Dreamspark.

Ensure your design is modular, encapsulated, and uses appropriate data structures to achieve its goals. This must be submitted in the form of either a Visio file (.vsd) or a .pdf. Ensure you use correct notation!

Implementation Phase:

Once your UML class diagram is complete, begin programming. Use Java to implement your object- oriented program. Apply good programming and documentation standards to the code as you write your program. This means write Javadoc for each class declaration, and for each method, as well as standard single line comments to document any algorithm implementation.

Testing Phase:

During development, regularly test your program's functionality. Identify and correct any bugs that are in your program.

Development Log:

Keep track of your progress in a development log. This must be an electronic document, which will be submitted as a .pdf file. Each time work is undertaken on Assignment 4, create a new entry in the Development Log. Each entry must detail the date and time work was undertaken, the duration of the work, what tasks were undertaken, and any issues that arose.


Remember, it is unacceptable to hand in any code which has previously been submitted for assessment (for any paper, including Programming 2), and all work submitted must be unique and your own.

Reference no: EM13743907

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