Design an interactive learning resource

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Reference no: EM132345100


You are required to select a knowledge topic or skill and create a learning resource that will help someone learn the topic or skill that you have selected. Your learning resource must be structured according to accepted learning design principles.

You may work on this assignment alone or as a team of no more that three. When working as a team, you will all receive the same mark for the assignment. If working as a team, please put all of your names on the assignment. Submit a copy under each of your names.

Related Course Outcomes

Design an interactive learning resource based on accepted learning theories and learning design approaches

Requirements (Mark Value)

A statement of who the learning resource is intended for - a brief profile of the intended learners in terms of age, education level, current knowledge, etc. (2)

An overview, using a concept map, flow chart, table, or other graphic element, of the content and learning activities included in the learning resource (3)

A statement of the learning theory(ies) that form the basis for your overall instructional design (3)

Intended learning outcomes upon completion of the learning activities included in the learning resource (2)

A storyboard presentation of the topic information and skills to be learned - i.e., the content of your learning resource. Your presentation should include at least two instructional sequences, each with an associated learning activity. (15)

Quality counts! You will receive a quality mark from a low of 1 to a maximum of 5 to reflect my judgment of the overall quality of your learning resource in terms of both its instructional design and overall effectiveness. (1 -5)

Reference no: EM132345100

Questions Cloud

Describe the soft skills that are related to chosen trait : Describe the soft skills that are related to the chosen trait. Explain how you plan to use the elements of P.R.I.C.E. and the soft skills you have chosen.
What is the purpose of a risk response plan : What is the purpose of a risk response plan? List and describe the most common areas of the project where risks can originate.
Research the different types of physical barriers : Research the different types of physical barriers and how they fit the needs of the various types of facilities.
Find article on internet outline security breach : Find an article on internet outline a security breach or cyberattack. Provide a link to the article and suggest control that would mitigate against that attack
Design an interactive learning resource : Design an interactive learning resource based on accepted learning theories and learning design approaches
Artist roles change with different cultural considerations : Who makes art? Do you think artists have innate ability or acquired skill (or both)? How do artist's roles change with different cultural considerations?
Find online image of artwork that uses asymmetrical balance : Find online an image of an artwork that uses asymmetrical balance, and copy it onto a blank Microsoft document. Do you think that the work is balanced?
Available in the early childhood-child development field : In order to expand your awareness of the range of jobs that are available in the early childhood/child development field,
Discussion extends beyond physical tools to circumvent locks : This discussion extends beyond physical tools to circumvent locks. How would you circumvent a lock without using physical tools?


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