Design an experiment comparing modalities of training

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131734842

Scenario: You are working as a consultant with a large national corporation and have been assigned the task to discover which training method option gives the best results for the organization. Specifically, leadership is interested in discovering which training modality has the best rate of training transfer.

Directions: The training topic to compare will be "How to Design and Manage Effective Meetings." In 8-slides (including detailed speaker's notes), design an experiment that will compare the effectiveness of three different training modalities.

1. Analyze the following training methods: o On-site training o Virtual training o No training (this is your control group)

2. Design an experiment comparing three modalities of training. You should include "no training" as your control group.

o Identify the three groups you will include in this experiment. What is included in these training modalities?

o Identify the variables within this training study and explain how they will be manipulated or controlled.

o Discuss how you will randomly assign your participants (i.e., employees in your organization) to each of these groups.

o Analyze and determine the ethical considerations in such a study.

o Determine how you will measure the results, particularly in regard to Kirkpatrick's model.

3. With all of these elements explored, the next step is presenting this information to leadership. Discuss how you will approach the leadership team and present how you have designed and will conduct this experiment.

Your final product will be a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation approximately 8-slides in length (including detailed speaker's notes). You will utilize four scholarly sources in your research in APA format.

Verified Expert

This particular assignment is focused on developing a Handbook training module with the help of powerpoint presentation. The focus of the por is 'How to design and manage effective meeting's. The assignment provides greater detail on the training methods. It also evaluates the training methods of Kirkpatrick model. It also discusses the intricacies of team leadership.

Reference no: EM131734842

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4/10/2018 6:01:56 AM

The assignment states an experiment needs to be included. A logical overview of the experiment is provided. Explain your experiment design and the three identified training modalities that you will use. Highly recommend they went out of their way to get this assignment done. I have used their service once before and again, I am fully satisfied by their outstanding work


12/22/2017 5:32:44 AM

o Discuss how you will randomly assign your participants (i.e., employees in your organization) to each of these groups. o Analyze and determine the ethical considerations in such a study. o Determine how you will measure the results, particularly in regard to Kirkpatrick''s model. 3. With all of these elements explored, the next step is presenting this information to leadership. Discuss how you will approach the leadership team and present how you have designed and will conduct this experiment. Your final product will be a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation approximately 8-slides in length (including detailed speaker''s notes). You will utilize four scholarly sources in your research in APA format. This assignment that is completely satisfactory. all Questions are answered and along with speaker's notes . good work. Thank you!


12/22/2017 5:32:35 AM

The requirement of this assignment is below mentioned Specifically, leadership is interested in discovering which training modality has the best rate of training transfer. Directions: The training topic to compare will be "How to Design and Manage Effective Meetings." In 8-slides (including detailed speaker''s notes), design an experiment that will compare the effectiveness of three different training modalities. 1. Analyze the following training methods: o On-site training o Virtual training o No training (this is your control group) 2. Design an experiment comparing three modalities of training. You should include "no training" as your control group. o Identify the three groups you will include in this experiment. What is included in these training modalities? o Identify the variables within this training study and explain how they will be manipulated or controlled.


11/23/2017 4:42:57 AM

Discuss how you will approach the leadership team and present how you have designed and will conduct this experiment. Your final product will be a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation approximately 8-slides in length (including detailed speaker's notes). You will utilize four scholarly sources in your research in APA format.

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