Design an er diagram for university registrar

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133091153

Entity Relationship Modelling

Question 1. Identify issues in the Crow's Foot notations used in the followingERD.

Question 2. Lucidchart - this product is a browser based diagramming tool; it is able to draw a wide rangeof different diagrams, including ER Diagrams. As a University student you are entitled to a free Lucidchart account. You can sign up for the free account using your university email address. When your account is created and an invitation email sent to your FedUni student account (check Spam if the message is not in your inBox). Click on the link in your Lucidchart welcome email and you will be able to make use of the software. As a first step you should look at the provided tutorials, in particular "Entity RelationshipDiagrams".

To prepare conceptual models (ERDs), you may use Lucidchart or any other drawing package.

Question 3. Given a scenario represented by the following entities, where customers place orders for products:
CUSTOMER - customer number, name, address, phone number
ORDER - order number, order date, customer number and for each product ordered the quantity ordered and the total line price

PRODUCT - product number, product description and product unit price An initial ERD using Lucidchart for this scenario would be:

This ERD only shows the primary keys of each of the entities, sometimes an ERD is drawn such that it will show all the non-primary key attributes for the model. In such a complete ERD you must not show or label foreign keys, the use of foreign keys indicates that you are looking at a logical model where a choice has been made to use a relational database, rather than a conceptual model.

Prepare the ERD shown above using your choice of drawing tool and then create a copy of this initial model and add all the non-primary key attributes listed in the scenario above to your copy.

Question 4. Use the above diagram and the business rules below, create an Entity Relationship Diagram using Crow's Footnotations.
o Include:
- all appropriateconnectivities,
- all cardinalitiesand
- at least the minimum number of attributes required to implement themodel
o BusinessRules:
- A department employs many employees, but each employee is employed byone department.
- Some employees, known as "rovers," are not assigned to anydepartment.
- A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by one division
- An employee may be assigned to many projects, and a project may have many employees assigned toit.
- A project must have at least one employee assigned toit.
- One of the employees manages each department, and each department is managed by oneemployee
- One of the employees runs each division, and each division is run by one employee.

Question 5. Design an ER diagram for a car insurance company whose customers own one or morecars each. Each car has associated with it zero to many number of recorded accidents.

Question 6. Acme Pty Ltd is made up of a number of departments that manage none or more projects. Each project is made up of none or more team members.
Each team member belongs to one department. Each team member belongs to zero to one project.
One of the team members supervise the other team members on the project.

Question 7. Given the following business rules, create an ER diagram for each of the specified relationships:
• A company operates four departments
• Each department employs staff
• Each staff may work for one or moredepartments
• A staff may be supervised by an otherstaff
• Each department has one manager. Identify the entities and the attributes

Question 8. Design an ER diagram for university registrar including the following entities:
• Courses, including course number, title, credits, syllabus, and prerequisites;
• Course offerings, including course number, year and teaching period, instructors, timings and classroom
• Students, including student-id, name, and program; and
• Instructors, including identification number, name, department, and title.
• Further, the enrolment of students in courses and grades awarded to students in each course they are enrolled for must be appropriately modelled.
Document all assumptions that you have made

Question 9. Prepare an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) showing all primary and non-primary key attributes for the following description of a Property RentalSystem:

• Properties are rented by tenants. Each tenant is assigned a unique number by the Agency. Data held about tenants include family name, given name, property rented, contact address - street, city, state, postcode & telephone number. A tenant may rent more than one property and many tenants may rent parts of the same property (eg. a large shoppingcomplex).
• Properties are owned by owners. Each property is assigned a unique building number. The agency only recognises a single owner for any of the properties it handles. The owner, address, and value are recorded for each property. In addition the lease period and bond are recorded for each property or sub property rented. An owner may own severalproperties.

• Properties are subject to damage and the agency records all instance of damage to its properties - property, date, type of damage and repair cost are recorded. Repair costs are charged directly totenants
• Normal property maintenance is also noted - property, date, type of maintenance and cost are recorded. Maintenance costs are charged to the property owner.
• Tenants pay accounts to the Agency - these consist of weekly rental payments, bond payments (for new properties) and damage bills. The date of payment, tenant, property, type of account (Rental, Bond, Damage) and amount are recorded.

Attachment:- Entity Relationship Modelling.rar

Reference no: EM133091153

Questions Cloud

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