Reference no: EM132409357
Quantitative Research Method - Regression Analysis
Choose any data of your preference to conduct the research, the report should reflect
Multivariate Regression I
Multivariate Regression II
Regression Modelling
In the submission, you’ll design an empirical investigation in which you perform regression analysis on data that interest you. The submission must reflect what you have learnt from the class. The assignment has a maximum word count of 1000 words (excluding references, tables, contents page, footnotes, charts, graphs, figures).
You are free to choose any data that are of your interest.
Aim of the coursework
This coursework builds from your project design and develops your skills in analysis of linear regression.
This should include the following:
- Formulation of the model (dependent and independent variables)
- Rationale behind the choice of variables (controls, log transformation etc.)
In the regression analysis section, you should carefully explain your findings in terms of interpretation of the coefficients, statistical significance and model fit. Stating numbers will not be considered as interpretation.