Design an application for pizza order process

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1379128

Question: Create an application to take and procedure a pizza order. The user should be able to make pizza order choices from listboxes, and the application should display the order price. One of the listboxes should allow a user to select pizza size under the following criteria: small with the base price of $7, medium with the base price of $9, and large with the base price of $11. The second listbox should allow a user to select an additional topping and add its price to the total price of the pizza. There is no additional price for cheese, but any other topping (Of your choice to add to the listbox) adds $1 to the base price. Offer at least five different toppings of your choice. On a click of an "Order Summary" JButton, display the total pizza price in a label.

Reference no: EM1379128

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