Design an algorithm that creates the table c

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940555

Consider a table B that consists of m integers B [1], B [2] ... B [m]. Design an algorithm to produce a two-dimensional m x m table C such that each element C[i,j] for i <j contains the sum of the B [i] up to the B [j], that is, (B [i] + B [i +1] + ... + B [j]). The values C[i,j] for i >= j are left unspecified, that is, these can take any value.

a) Design an algorithm that creates the table C according to the above description and has time complexity Theta(m^3).
In response give either pseudocode or the description of the steps of the algorithm, and calculate the time complexity.

b) Design an algorithm that creates the table C according to the above description and has time complexity Theta(m^2).
In response give either pseudocode or the description of the steps of the algorithm, and justify the time complexity.

Reference no: EM13940555

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