Design an algorithm that asks for the user for the number

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13708716

Question: BuzzButtons is a novelty item company manufacturing personalized lapel buttons. The owner is promoting his buttons by offering them at 99 cents each. He wants you to design a program asking the user for his or her name for the button, an e-mail address, and the number of buttons to order. The program should then add a 6% sales tax and a flat shipping rate of $2.00.

The program displays the information the user enters as well as the button price total, sales tax amount, shipping amount, and order total. The company contacts the user by e-mail later for shipping address information.

Using pseudo code, design an algorithm that asks for the user for the number of fixed-price items to order, adds sales tax and flat-rate shipping, and displays the result.

Using JavaScript, write the button order program.

I cannot seem to get this to work for some reason could somebody provide me a code to compare and test?

Reference no: EM13708716

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