Design an adt for the problem

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13785319

1. a) A Specification for a computerized Appointment Book is as follows:

It should allow a user to post professional appointments every quarter hour if so desired and as long as one work day between the hours of Barn and 5pm. Each appointment must record the a statement of the purpose of the appointment, the names of all visitors, the time of day. the year, month, day of the month, i.e., number date, and the day of the week, i.e., Monday, ..., Friday of the appointment.

Not all appointments that are booked are, in the end, kept, as unanticipated reasons may require the cancellation or rescheduling of appointments. A reason for the cancellation should be recorded and the space freed for another appointment. A reason for a rescheduling should be recorded, the new date should be appended to the time slot and the space freed for an another appointment.

a) Design an ADT for this problem. Be sure to consider all necessary operations to maintain the appointment book for one year, to archive the yearly book and create a new book for the following year.

Reference no: EM13785319

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