Design all-inclusive strategy for the launch of costa coffee

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132013525

Scenario 1

Write a business report explain how to assess information and knowledge requires for Costa Coffee UK new product development plan.

Your report should cover topics given in Task.

1.1Provide detailed discussion on the various types of decisions to be taken by the top management of Costa Coffee UK to devise the market development plan.

1.2Examine the information and knowledge that Costa Coffee UK has to consider in making strategic and effective decisions.

1.3Assess the present internal and external sources of information that are available for Costa Coffee UK.

1.4Based on your analysis, present and justify your recommendations to Costa Coffee UK to increase their current and potential customers.

1.5 Critically evaluate internal and external sources of information in 1.3 and demonstrate how beneficial for Costa Coffee UK in decision making process.

Scenario 2

A Written Business Report & Reflection

You have been promoted as the Customer Service Manager for the new Costa Coffee Chain at Edgware Broadway. You are responsible to design a suitable networking strategy for the launch of Easter on the new product of Costa Coffee that will be attended by different stakeholders in the sector.

Your report should cover topics given in Task.

2.1Identify five stakeholders that are important for Costa Coffee that you will invite for launch.

2.2Propose appropriate communication channels that are cost effective to be used to invite your identified stakeholders.

2.3Based on your identified stakeholders explain stakeholder's interest and feedback.

2.4Design all-inclusive strategy for the launch of Costa Coffee UK's new product to be outstanding and unforgettable.

2.4 Write a short reflective report on the outcome of the product launch and include key areas of improvement needed for future events.

2.5 Critically evaluate any three of the strategies you have applied in task two to increase personal networking and also widen involvement in the product launch of Costa Coffee.

Scenario 3

You have taken a new responsibility on Communication Department to help the newly appointed Communication Assistant Manager. You are assigned to prepare a business report for Costa Coffee UK on a communication project.

Illustrate your skills and potentials in devising the communication network channels to improve the image of Costa Coffee UK in the local community. This is part of Costa Coffee UK's corporate social responsibilities (CSR) to the local community.

Your report should cover topics given in Task.

3.1Report the current Costa Coffee UK's communication structure and system.

3.2You are required to design methods to improvise the overall communication systems at Costa Coffee UK with the emphasis of recent technology invention with modernisation.

3.3You are to provide with implementation plans that will improvise the current communication mediums between Costa Coffee UK and the local community.

3.4As you have taken up the responsibility in the Communication Department, create a personal plan to improve your own communication skills.

3.5Based on your communication skills identified in 3.4, you are expected to demonstrate how by improving your communication skill will be beneficial to Costa Coffee UK.

3.6Justify your conclusion, by showing how realistic is your proposed communication strategy (3.3), including advantages to the community.

Scenario 4

As the Customer Service Manager, you are expected to effectively associate with creativity and innovation into your department, with modern realities in telecommunication sector.

You have to prepare power point [12 slides; with an integrated speaker notes] for the top management of Costa Coffee UK. The management of Costa Coffee UK is interested to know how you intend to enhance on the existing information systems within the organisation.

Your report should cover topics given in Task

4.1Report on the current method of data collection, formatting, storage and dissemination at Costa Coffee UK.

4.2Conduct appropriate changes to improve on the above identified methods in AC4.1 for Costa Coffee UK.

4.3Implement users-friendly strategy that can improve access and usage of systems in Costa Coffee UK.

4.4As the Customer Service Manager, you are to write a short essay (300 words) in which you critically investigate the potential benefits of improving systems to Costa Coffee UK.

Attachment:- Case Study- Costa Coffee.rar

Reference no: EM132013525

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