Design a web page for attracting travelers

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131798469

A local travel agent has asked you to design a 1024 pixels x 768 pixels Web page for attracting travelers to a coastal travel destination. The agent has provided you with a library of images that you can use in your design. Click here to download the images. The agent also wants you to add the name of the destination on the design in an appropriate typeface.

Tips to do the assessment:
- Decide the way you would best represent the destination as an exciting and interesting place to visit.
- Keep in mind that the color and type of a design contribute just as much to a message as the design principles and elements do. Decide the colors you will use to create the design.
- Think about the design elements and the principles that would strengthen your design.
- Apply layer styles and filter effects to your design.
- Decide the typeface that best suits the type of destination.

Submission Requirements:
- Submit a .psd file of design of the Web page.

Ensure that the file size of your document does not exceed 5 MB. If it does, compress the file by using a compression software program before submitting the files. Zip your file using the default compression utility. To zip your document, right-click the file, bring your mouse cursor over Send To, and click Compressed File. Submit the zipped file to your instructor as an attachment through the Questa Learning Plan.

Evaluation Criteria:
Consider the following points before submission:
- Did you follow the instructions for the dimension of the design?
- Did you use different layer styles for different images?
- Did you use different filter effects for different images?
- Did you add the required type in an appropriate typeface?
- Did you submit a .psd file of your design?

Reference no: EM131798469

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