Design a war game that you can play against the computer

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13690900

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Create a Card class to store a single playing card.  Create a class called DeckOfCards that stores 52 objects of the card class.  Create appropriate constructors and methods for each class that allow for the following requirements.  Create a driver class with a main method that has the following options.

0. create a deck of cards

creates a standard deck of 52 cards with no jokers

1. shuffles the deck

always start with all 52 cards in the deck before shuffling randomly puts the cards in different positions                     

2. deal every card remaining in a deck this will allow me to check if the deck was shuffled you may want to turn on unlimited buffering in bluej to see all the cards

3. deals a specified number of cards (determined by user) Allow the user to deal a certain number of cards off the top of the deck

4. counts how many cards are left in the deck

Allows me to see if you are keeping track of the number of cards left in the deck

5. quit

This menu should loop until the user chooses to quit.

Part I)  Design a war game that you can play against the computer

Part II) Design a Black Jack Game that follows the rules of the game.

You need to prepare these games. Create this program in java programming

Reference no: EM13690900

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