Reference no: EM131433394
Part -1:
For this benchmark, you will design a visual classroom environment plan (1,000-1,250 words) that includes the physical arrangement and organization of materials and resources. Be creative; there are no money or size constraints.
Review the instructor feedback on your "Classroom Management Tools" from Topic 5. In 250 -500 words, describe your classroom environment plan, including how you will revise each of the following areas as well as provide an explanation for each improvement:
- Define classroom management policy
- Reinforcements and consequences for behavior
- Consider individual differences in ability, culture, and language
- Family support, routines, and schedules
Create two classroom environment maps, one for Birth-PK, the other thr K-3
- Label both maps with materials, furniture, and other design elements. Maps can be hand-drawn or computer generated, but must be submitted in a PDF or Word document.
In 500-750 words, describe best practices for development of a healthy, supportive, and challenging environment for learning. Include the following in your description:
- Diversity of your students
- Students interests and special needs
- Families as partners
- Rationale for both environments you designed. Justify each item in your designs (e.g., materials, furniture, design elements, how they are arranged).
Use 3-5 scholarly resources)
Prepare this assignment according to the GCU guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Part -2:
Observe a student with challenging behaviors.
Create an individual plan to support this child using strategies from the readings. Present the plan as a list of 15-20 items with explanations as sub-points. Include the following:
1. Description of the challenging behavior;
2. Strategies for cognitive/academic, social/emotional, language/communication, motor, and self-help/adaptive domains; and
3. Family involvement as an integral component of your support for the child.
GCU format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Who was the father of modern turkey
: Which of the following is not true about the Treaty of Sèvres? Post-World War I, what did Mustafa Kemal do that would change the region forever? This question is about Ataturk and Reza Shah and what they thought about religion.
Write a report in which you describe each web servers
: CIS 305- Write a one-page report in the form of a handout in which you describe each of the web servers. You may need to search the public web using a search engine like Google or Bing to find description of the commands.
Sallie mae fisher health history and discharge orders
: Using "Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher" and "Sallie Mae Fisher's Health History and Discharge Orders," complete the following components of this assignment: Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified?
Spending accounts or arrangements play in approach
: Describe the consumer-driven approach and explain the role that spending accounts or arrangements play in this approach. Discuss the basic concept of insurance. how does this concept apply to disabilities and life
Design a visual classroom environment plan
: Design a visual classroom environment plan (1,000-1,250 words) that includes the physical arrangement and organization of materials and resources. Be creative; there are no money or size constraints.
Explain competitive landscape of the american cancer society
: Explain the competitive landscape of the American Cancer Society. How might an effective marketing strategy prove to be a competitive advantage for it?
Describe primary issues of adolescence according to erikon
: Describe the primary issues of adolescence according to Erikson. Be sure to comment on issues like adolescent egocentrism, the imaginary audience, personal fables, and an illusion of vulnerability.
Prepare a sales budget for the lababycakesstore
: Prepare a sales budget for the LABabycakesstore for the 4th quarter of 2016.Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December.
Freedom of speech and censorship
: Freedom of speech and censorship, in light of the modern digital landscape, are important concepts to consider, especially given the dubious ways in which technology can be utilized sometimes.