Design a tester class called amusementparktester

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Reference no: EM131476557

Question: Develop class AmusementPark that keeps track of tickets and gift shop inventory. The AmusementPark uses two ArrayLists to store Ticket and Merchandise objects. The AmusementPark provides several methods to add merchandise to the gift shop and to access merchandise. The following

UML diagram describes the class, the constructor, and the methods:


-tickets : ArrayList

-merchandise : ArrayList

-name : String


+getName() : String

+getTicketDates() : ArrayList

+getTickets(Date date) : int

+getTicket(long id) : Ticket

+getMerchandise() : ArrayList

+getMerchandise(String category) : ArrayList

+getMerchandise(long id) : Merchandise



+buyMerchandise(String id)

+buyTicket(String id)

a. The class has three instance fields:

a. name, the name of the bookstore

b. tickets, an ArrayList storing Ticket objects © 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 4 of 5

c. merchandise, an ArrayList storing Merchandise objects

b. getName() returns the name of the bookstore.

c. getTicketDates() returns an ArrayList of all the dates for which tickets are still available. If there are no tickets available, an empty list is returned.

d. getTickets (Date date) returns an integer indicating the number of tickets available for the specified date.

e. getTicket(long id) returns the Ticket that matches the specified id. If there is no Ticket matching the given id, null is

f. getMerchandise()returns an ArrayList of all the inventory (in-stock and ordered). This method must create a separate copy of the ArrayList before it returns the list. If there are no merchandise items in the AmusementPark, an empty list is returned.

g. getMerchandise(String category) returns a list of Merchandise objects whose category matches the specified category. For example, if called with "T-shirt" the method returns all Merchandise objects with the category "T-shirt" as a new list. This method must create a new copy of an ArrayList that stores all the matched Merchandise objects. If no items in the AmusementPark match the given name, an empty list is returned.

h. getMerchandise(long id) returns the merchandise item that matches the specified id. If there is no merchandise item matching the
given id, null is returned.

i. addTicket(Ticket) adds a new Ticket to the inventory of the AmusementPark.

j. addMerchandise(Merchandise) adds a new Merchandise to the inventory of the AmusementPark.

k. buyMerchandise(String id) removes a Merchandise object from the list of merchandise of the AmusementPark. If the id does not match any Merchandise object in the list, an exception is thrown.

l. buyTicket(String id) removes a Ticket object from the list of ticket items of the AmusementPark. If the id does not match any Ticket object in the list, an exception is thrown.

Design a tester class called AmusementParkTester. The tester class has a main() method and tests the functionality of the class AmusementPark as follows:a. Create an AmusementPark b. create a minimum of three tickets objects and add them to the bookstore.c. create apparel objects at least two of each category and add them to the AmusementPark.d. set up a loop to I Display a short menu that allows a user to perform different actions in the gift shop such as looking up tickets or merchandise or purchasing items. Use all of the accessor methods in the AmusementPark to access specific items. Use the given methods to make purchasesii. Prompt the user for a specific action.iii. Depending on the specific action prompt the user for additional input such as the id of a ticker tor mechandise category, etc. You might want to use static methods in main() to handle ach menu item separately.iv. Perform the action and display results such as the list of merchandise that the user has requested. Use the toString() method to display AmusementPark items on the screen.v. Prompt the user for continued access to the AmusementPark or to end the program.

Reference no: EM131476557

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