Design a system that distributes the electrical powers

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Reference no: EM132266692

Assignment task

Design a system that distributes the electrical powers based on input sensor values. The system has three electricity generators including a primary power generator GO and two auxiliary generators G1 and G2 to provide power for a consumer network (load). Generator GO is always ON, whereas G1 and G2 are ON only when required. Two sensors, sensor 1 (Si) and sensor 2 (S2), are used to monitor different load points in the consumer network. Each provides 4-bit information representing in percentage of power consumption. The sensor values are used to control the auxiliary power generators, G1 and G2. These generators are only ON when the measured power consumptions are above certain thresholds.

You will design a system using PIC to implement the above operation. Write a C program that allows a PIC to read the values from all sensors and control the generators. Initially G1 and G2 are OFF when the reading power consumptions are low. The generator G1 will be turned ON when the value of measured power consumption from S1 is over 60%. The generator G2 is ON when S2's value is over 70%. If the measured power consumptions are very high, i.e. the values of S1 and S2 are both over 90%, the generators will likely be overloaded, therefore all generators should be isolated from the network if the sensor values are still over 90% after a period of 10 seconds. The PIC should then switch GO, G1 and G2 OFF to isolate all generators from the network and turn the warning LED light ON.

Reference no: EM132266692

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3/26/2019 4:12:19 AM

Marking components The Assignment Report'*' total mark will be 100%. It will include: - Determine problem specification (5%) - Full system block diagram (10%) o Input - 5% o Output - 5% - State diagram with comments (25%) o State diagram - 20% o Comments - 5% - Codes with comments (30%) o PIC configuration — 5% o Sensor reading — 5% o G1 is ON — 5% o G2 is ON — 5% o All Gs are OFF — 5% o Comments — 5% (1% each section) - Simulation results with discussion (25%) o Screenshots of the achieved results for each case — 15% o Analysis and discussion for each case — 10% - Report presentation (5%)

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