Design a superclass called shape that contains two functions

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131119722

Program 1- Sum of Digits in a String. HINT: You will need to create a utility procedure that allows you to convert from a character to an integer value to allow you to sum the values of the digits in a string. Also, Raptor will not allow you to input a numeric value and treat it as a String input. To work around this limitation, I would recommend putting a character like 'a' somewhere in your input value so Raptor will treat the input as a String data type. Your program should be designed in such a way that it will ignore any non-numeric characters in the input string.

Program 2 - Area of Shapes

Design a superclass called Shape that contains two functions-getArea() and getInput(). The getArea and getInput functions in the Shape class will simply return 0, you will derive from them in your subclasses mentioned below. Define 3 subclasses of the Shape class-circle, rectangle, and triangle. The circle class will need a radius field, the rectangle class will need length and width fields, and the triangle class will need base and height fields. Declare all of the appropriate setters and getters for each of these classes. The circle class will calculate it's area as PI*r*r. The rectangle's area is length * width. The triangle's area is .5 * base * height. Override the getInput method for each subclass so it will prompt the user to input the dimensions for each shape. Then, override the getArea method in each subclass so it will calculate and return the area of the shape.

Demonstrate your classes be writing a menu driven program that allows the user to select which shape they want to create. After making their selection, the program will call getInput on the object to ask the user to input the appropriate dimensions for that shape. The program should then display the area for that shape. The menu will continue to display until the user chooses to quit.

Example Output:

Please select an option:

1) Area of a circle

2) Area of a rectangle

3) Area of a triangle

4) Quit

Enter your selection:

2 [Enter]

Enter the rectangle length:

10 [Enter]

Enter the rectangle width:

25 [Enter]

The area for your rectangle is 250

Please select an option:

1) Area of a circle

2) Area of a rectangle

3) Area of a triangle

4) Quit

Enter your selection:

4 [Enter]

Thanks for playing!

Reference no: EM131119722

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