Design a small network for a new facility

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13770006

You were selected to design a small network for a new facility which has three offices, two conference rooms, a networked printer and a receptionist computer. Each desk space must have a wired network connection for a computer as well as wireless access for mobile devices. Using a software tool of your choice, create a basic diagram that depicts the network you are designing.

Include a brief (1-2 paragraphs) description of your design, and state any assumptions you've made about the kind of work being done, the demands the people in the office will put on the network or how they'll use it, and how that influenced your design. For example, if this is a small streaming video-based news service, they probably need more performance from the network and their ISP than a small rental property management office might. Why?

Reference no: EM13770006

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