Reference no: EM131784727
Question: Design a simple program for playing a poker game.
a. If you have never played poker, there are many Web sites devoted to poker that describe how to play the game and the many variations on basic poker.
b. Design your classes for one game of poker, but make it open to extension to other poker games and, more generally, other kinds of card games.
c. Include an explanation of why you designed your classes the way you did.
d. Include in your design your approach to comparing poker hands to see who is the winner.
e. You don't need to construct a GUI. In fact, you should design your code to make it easy for someone else to create various GUIs for your game, including console I/O and windows with buttons for clicking. In other words, you are to design the model for the poker game, not the view or controller. Your classes should do all the work relating to the game so that a view and controller would only need to call methods in your model.
f. Give sufficient details that one of your fellow students could easily implement the classes from your description.
g. Implement your poker game