Design a set of gui interfaces

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13851762

1 UI Design

Design a set of GUI interfaces (a set may consist of one element) that support the functional requirements and worldlow identified for the use case you described in Assignment 3'.

Document your design with a set of annotated Story boards' that show the graphical elements of your design

2 Data Management

Design data access objects (DAOs) to support the data requirements of the use case you described in Assignment 3' and document your design with a detailed class diagram showing all attnbutes and methods required by the DAOs.

3 Use Case Realization

Produce a detailed sequence diagram consistent with the normal flow detailed in the full use case description' that shows the interactions between boundary classes that support your GUI design, internal elements that control and support the use case (ie implement business logic ) and the data access objects you have just designed.

4 Detailed Design

Produce a detailed design class diagram (DCD) for the collaboration of objects involved in the use case that shows al the attributes and methods required to support the use case.

'Note you may only use your own use case description from Assignment 2 if you received a mark of over 28 for the use case descnption section in that Assignment. Otherwise, you must use the use case description that vii be provided during semester. You may use the provided description whatever your mark for the use case description in that assignment.

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Reference no: EM13851762

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