Design a set of 3nf tables for database scenario

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM134558

Metropolitan City Church Management

Metropolitan City Church Management (MCCM) has hired you as a consultant to modernize the file processing system that stores information about churches, priests, church members, and attendance at church events.

The data that are currently stored in the file processing system are:

Church_Name                                     Name of a church

Church_Address                                 Address of a church

Church_Phone                                     Church's phone number

Priest_Name                                        Name of a priest

Priest_Birthdate                                  Priest's birthday

Title                                                     Priest's title (rank)

Family_Number                                  A unique identifier for a family

Family_Name                                      Last name of a family that is a member of a church

First_Name_Head_of_Household      First name of a head-of-household

First_Name_Significant_Other           First name of the significant other of a head-of-household

First_Name_Child                               First name of a child

Birthdate_Child                                  Birthdate of a child

Event_Date                                         Date an event occurs

Event_Name                                       Name of an event

Total_Attendance                               Number of people attending an event

Family_Attendnace                             Number of people from one family attending an event

You are given the subsequent facts about the situation:

  • A church can have many priests assigned to it.
  • A priest may be assigned to more than one church.
  • A family belongs to only one church.
  • A family has only one head-of-household; a head-of-household may have a significant other (spouse or other life partner). Of course, there may be more one than child in a family.
  • An event is something that takes place on a specific date.
  • A person can attend many events and (hopefully) an event is attended by many people.
  • The church wants to know which families attended which events and how many people from each family were there. For example, the database should store data indicating that four members of the Smith family attended the Crafts Fair.

1. Draw an ER diagram for your database scenario.

The ER diagram should use only three relationships

1)one to one relationship

2)one to many  relationship

3)many to many relationship

please go through visual paradigm for making ER diagram using those relationships itself

2. Design a set of 3NF tables for your database scenario.

3. Consider the following query.

"Show me a list of the last names of all the families who attended the Holiday Bizzare on December 12, 2000."

  • Using the relations you created for the church database, write a SQL query that will answer the query above.
  • Using the relations you created for the church database, write the relational algebra that will answer the query above.

4. (Consider the following query:

            "Show me the name and birthdate of all priests not assigned to a church."

  • Using the relations you created for the church database, write a SQL query that will answer the query above.
  • Using the relations you created for the church database, write the relational algebra that will answer the query above.

5. Uncontrolled concurrent use of a database can lead to serious problems. What are these problems? Why do they occur?

6. Assume that you have been asked to look at the database design being used by an organization. When you see the tables, you realize that they are all in first normal form; none are higher. Explain to the organization's management the three types of problems you would expect to find in these relations.

7. Discuss four major threats to database security. For each threat you identify, state at least one solution to that threat.

8. Discuss the characteristics of an organization for which a data warehouse would be suitable. Aside from huge amounts of money, what resources does an organization need to support a data warehouse or data mart? For what purposes is a database warehouse best used?

Reference no: EM134558

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