Design a script that checks the day of the week

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1336253

Create a script that checks the day of the week, and takes one of two actions (step 2 or 3) depending on the day.
If the day is Monday through Friday, print (send to stdout) the name of the day. Then, find each file named TTDL (Things-To-Do List) in the tree rooted at the current directory (pwd on down). Using a separate output line for each of these files, print the file path and the number of lines in the file using wc -l. Create at least two TTDL files to test my program: one in my working directory and one in a subdirectory.

If the day is Saturday or Sunday, print only a simple message, such as "Go back to sleep".

Run my script on a weekday, redirecting your output to the file my_save and append a copy of my script.

Reference no: EM1336253

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